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Re: HIV test and undetectable
aifam55 Views: 15,778
Published: 11 y
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Re: HIV test and undetectable

I deliberately did not zap for 14 hours before blood being drawn. I know lots of people won't post results and that's 90% of the problem, because others make the same mistakes. Btw, I found out I was anemic on Sept 2012. The high HIV viral load tests were done about May 2013, (170,000 and 165,000 viral load)) I started doing Beck zapping in Sept 2010 because I thought it was healthy to do. I take loads of vitamins and herbs and workout a lot. I started drinking ozonated water in early 2010 and lots of it. It does give energy. Needless to say, Beck's claims on HIV are totally fraudulent. I think is actually will INCREASE HIV. It's growth and regeneration across the board. A 3.9 hertz 100% positive offset zapper may be a much better Beck zapper.
John Crane did state the limitation on zapping. It does not reach all areas of the body, but it does reach some areas very well and that alone can make a big difference. I think Crane was excellent in his earlier days before the FDA stole everything and screwed him over. Many of the main CAFL frequencies are from John Crane and they are calculated from the original Rife frequencies. An even better zapper would be to use 727.5 vs 727 and 2007.5 vs 2008 because those are the exact derivatives of the original Rife frequencies. They would work faster on cancer. No zapper is anywhere close enough in accuracy to work except the MY Parazapper. And that is why most zappers don't work on cancer. HIV is 3554 hertz . (or a multiple of 3554 hertz). But the 100% positive offset probably works decent against HIV, even without the right frequency. I have loads of other tricks and I bet I get rid of this 100%. When Beck said he was curing CIA agents with is zapper, he gave a part truth. Gov't has a cure, no doubt.


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