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Re: The obvious problem....
parazapper Views: 4,068
Published: 11 y
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Re: The obvious problem....

While if may be possible that a few here might not actually have an extensive parasite infestation, I will submit that most and almost all have at least a few helminths and other major parasites, such as rotifera, in their intestines.

Everyone has bacterial, protozoal, and fungal parasites. Everyone, including those who live in a bubble.

Even dogs and cats that have recently been wormed will still have some worms unless they are placed into a sterile environment. We and our pets are constantly contaminated.


The truth is that if you look really hard, sooner or later, you are going to find the progeny of parasites in your stool. Even though I have done cleanses and thoroughly zapped, and I do not currently have the symptoms that I once had, I am sure that I must at least have a few hiding somewhere inside.

The truth is that a few does not bother me. I can handle a few. It is the massive overload of parasites that is a major concern and must be dealt with.

On the other hand, there is no better feeling than seeing a dead Tapeworm in your stool.



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