Re: The obvious problem....
Again it's not 'your' business and treating
parasites can take time with people that have had them for a while.
Secondly people with
parasites can get help by looking at
parasite protocols and if so inclined can follow elaborate drug protocols and see if they get results rather than 'changing' their diet which wont fix a real
parasite problem.
People can choose how to treat themselves whether it's seeing a specialist in
parasites or taking medicine, it's not your place to tell people how to treat parasites and you were banned from the
parasite forum even for that reason since obviously the calorie idea doesn't work for people with real parasite issues.
A lot of people discover parasites on cleanses and when they find them it the next step is often to treat themselves. Sure people can be misdiagnosed with anything probably but that doesn't mean it makes sense to go to forums of diseases or parasites telling people they're misdiagnosed. I'd be willing to say people that post pictures that get parasite id confirmation from many on the forum can very well have parasites.