Re: hot water kills them instantly...
thank you for your posts - have been very helpful
sudden and painful outbreak of scabies after a 3rounds of
Antibiotics from wisdom tooth removal and a month later mild concussion.
so I thought the rash was stress for a few weeks
finally got it diagnosed yesterday and read your post and tried the hot bath tonight before putting on the cream and it worked!
thank you
passing on that a poster on this thread michellekansas said how it can have to do with soaps we use and skin permeability
which makes sense for me
used to be more selective about soaps and creams and now as single mom just buy the cheapest I can find.
years back
when I read Dr.
Hulda Clark s "
The Cure For All Diseases " she says that chemical
additives "benzyl ---" in almost everything we wash with or eat and/or
parasites are at the root of most diseases. that the benzyls make our skin/bodies weakened for the
parasites (mites) to attack.
FINALLY feel like I know the track to take
healthy organic creams/ soaps etc and for the next few weeks very hot showers. it worked.
thanks again
ps. I too, befriended a neighborhood stray cat. whoops -now it all makes sense!!!