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how did you get it? and how are you now?
michellekansas Views: 137,569
Published: 17 y
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how did you get it? and how are you now?

I got it from yard work, or whole afternoon picnic in the fall. Some years when summer is wet and not too hot, there's gall mites on oak trees(or ash trees etc.), these European mites tend to drop when the leaves get dry , and they burrow under mud in the winther. Most people will be ok, but some people will have severe reaction.guess you and me are. I'll have no itchs whats so ever if I go back to China, and stay free for a while until gets bitten again. This is the third time I got severe reaction .I recommend elimite before sleep for 3~5 nights. I did not wash it off during the day, but put on moistrulizer(comtains mineral oil/patruleum, which is toxic to body), so I would use neem oil/olive oil next time, if I should get again.
Alkline body helps? Clensing body helps? Are they the same? I need to research more.
If your skin is really scaling, ACV is good, it also kills itch. just rub it on. And at nigh, you take BS/soda bath, borax is too harsh. BS and ACV will create bubble, and I think it's good . Since you can not be on elimite all the time, this is a ggod way to soothe you through. tea tree oil is good at remove dead skin, rub on dead skin after bath works well, lavendar oil helps sleep, put it on after tea tree oil might be good.
zyrtec is good to push everything down. Claritein is also good, but is not drowsy enough. I guess they make the bugs miss the hatch cycle.
This summer, I spent in Germany beach, which is cold!! their hotest season is in April. In summer, after sun bathe, dip your hot body in cold sea or out door swimming pool will kill all the bugs.=, and you'll be free. now the best bet is sport and sweat, or hot bath. I'll keep the hot water running until I can not bear and break a sweat .During my treatment , I used some harsh method, like bleach and borax bath, so I had broken skin, so I could not bathe too hot.
An oreiental doctor told me that I'm internally having some thing wrong. Now I'm cutting down red meat.
You don't know how much I suffered, now I'm ok. I've been here for 7 years, got it three times.first time 9 months, second time half year, this time 2 months. And I reserched a lot this time, that's why I found this website. Cover yourself in spring, cover your self real good in fall, especially in fall, open the window only after it rained in fall.(I love to keep my windows open, but, gall mite!) eat enzyme if you have intestine problem, drink red wine with dinner.
You'll be ok. Though we're not doctors, but when docotrs can not help us well, we help ourselves. reply to me if you get well, which you will.



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