Thanks, but
Thanks to those who took the time to answer my questions.
I know some of you are genuine, and I respect genuine people, even if they have different views to me.
But to be honest, I don't agree with everything said.
Nothing that has been said has given me reason to change my views.
I am not trying to win, or prove that I am right, but just be honest.
I believe:
Healing would normally be quicker for a person with severe burns while eating regular meals, including an adequate amount of protein.
Pregnant mothers should not normally do anything too drastic to their bodies, including long fasts.
The health of a person with malnutrition would normally be better as a result of eating regular meals.
Healing would normally be quicker for a person with a severe ankle sprain, or other injury involving tissue damage, while eating regular meals, including an adequate amount of protein.
It seems some of you think I don't understand the benefits of fasting, so you need to prove to me that fasting is beneficial. When I already understand this. It seems you are so focused on proving that fasting is beneficial, you don't acknowledge that there are certain situations where fasting is not appropriate.
I think decent people can respectfully disagree with each other. There is no reason to be hostile or nasty.
There is no reason for any of us to keep repeating the same information in different ways.
We can all keep learning. If any of us come across any new information, or have new experiences, which help us understand better, we can learn something new.