Hi guys, newbie here, I went for my morning run 2 hours ago and 5 mins into it i severely sprained my left ankle, I basically cant put any weight on it, so I will be out of commission at least for a couple weeks.
have a couple of questions
1.will water fast will help speeding the healing process? I read an article long time ago that sick animals stop eating to help the healing, would that work in humans?
Hi Loki and welcome. Fasting will absolutely help speed the healing process. Sick animals lose their appetite and stop eating, while sick humans lose their appetite but force down food anyway because we are told we need to do this to "keep up our strength"... providing a good example where having a greater ability to reason for ourselves works against us ;). We, cats and fruit flies are similarly designed and fasting helps every one of us to heal exceedingly more quickly.
I want to say too that you will benefit immensely by icing the sprain as much as possible especially in the first 24 hours, 10 or 15 minutes on then 10 or 15 minutes off... so please hurry with this!
2.how many days for trauma(ankle strains)
This depends very strongly on the injury. Some will completely heal in 3 or 5 days and others will not be completely healed even after 30 days, though they will most assuredly be vastly improved.
3.should I take vitamins or just water?
Nothing but water. Your internal reserves include ample vitamins and minerals to get you through your fast and you want in every way to allow your body to fast uninterruptedly and to make sure it knows it is fasting.
4.how much water/day?
Drink to thirst only. This could be a gallon or more per day or it could be no water at all for one or several days since the body actually produces a certain amount of water metabolically as well as freeing stores from within fat that is being utilized.
5.would i lose a lot o muscle/lean body mass(i weight training on the regular basis)
Since fat is the predominant fuel source in a fast, you would lose only a small amount of muscle which can easily be restored after the fast. It can be said that the fasted body is primed to build muscle more efficiently and effectively.
For links, read chrisb1 ;). Best wishes.
Dear arn,
I know you are sincere in what you have said and you are certainly entitled to your opinion. Perhaps with such a controversial position, however, it would be helpful if you were to provide sources from fasting experts who agree with you. In the same way it would be helpful for the other side to provide similarly though i myself am not in a position to do so right now.
For another perspective to consider which does come from expert sources i have read, the nutrients we require throughout the fast are in place in the form of nutritional stores which can carry us through a long fast. We are not depriving or starving ourselves of nutrition when we fast, though this is a maximally held common misconception. Instead we are thriving off of these existing stores while making available a much higher level of our energies to be devoted to healing.
I don't know anything about urine fasting and i can safely say i have never tried it (because believe me i would remember), but i have read that there is no equal to the relief that comes from peeing on a jelly fish sting :*).
Warm regards.