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Re: Chronic scalp folliculitis

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kayla2011 Views: 81,807
Published: 14 y
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Re: Chronic scalp folliculitis

Hey There Hun i totally understand what you are going through my scalp is like that to do you get really huge lumps on your head and just wanna scratch out everything to bring the lump down i will sit on my bed and scratch it till it goes down like crazy i dont know but you know what the only way to get rid of these scalp nasties is to buy some (Selsun Blue) from the pharmacy or supermarket for $7.50 im not sure how much it is in your country but seriously give it a go its got (Selinium Sulphide) in it which will kill the scalp sores or scalp leisions and help get rid it of it buy over drying the sore in the scalp. Also only wash your body and face with some soap called (PEARS) Its been around for 200 hundread years it says it on the back of the soap box. Buy some OMEGA 3 fatty acids and take 10 capsules a day sounds like alot but your skin needs it and alot of it too it will also hlep with your heart and brain the fatty acids are amazing i know this sounds alot of buying this and that but seriously if you wanna get rid of this nasty thing its the only way to do it. If you can buy some (Vitamin D) Tablets those will help heal your skin with the omega three fatty acids and it will help strengthen your Immune system i have tried all of this stuff and it helps alot. I wish you all the best hun with this nasty skin condition that you are going through i feel your pain seriously. I sat in my room today spendt half an hour trying to scratch out those scalp sores and it was so hard to get them out and my hands had so much blood on them from trying to pick them out. if you do happen to see a doctor from now on ask him to give you some (Dermol) its a skin steriod you can get (Dermol Ointment 30mg) for the skin and (Dermol scalp) for the scalp sores the dermol scalp will sting like a bitch but it means it is killing those little bastards in your hair. I WISH YOU ALL THE VERY BEST!!! GET WELL SOON. Kayla Horvath 25 year old folucellitus sufferer Auckland New Zealand. Bye for now hope to hear from ya soon :-) :-) :-)


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