Re: SCD vs GAPS vs Bee Wilder
LOL! Indigo, your posts always make me smile! U are one sassy, SMART lady, who takes no bull and sees thru a ton of BS. I wish I had those traits!
U are 1000000000% correct on everything u said. I'm sorry u had such a bad exchange with "her/them/Nazi-lady," but i'm also not surprised. Her yahoo group is a cult... it's really creepy.
for instance, a girl wrote in that she really likes this one guy, but she is worried about getting into a relationship with him b/c he "ordered a hot white mocha" drink and "is unhealthy and skinny." She is certain he has infections, but he is "in denial" about it and continues to just "live an unhealthy lifestyle." She is worried that her candida is making her be attractive to other "sick people." Bee and the Bee-cult agreed, saying that it IS her candida that is attracting other sick people and that she needs to avoid this dude. SERIOUSLY?! OMG. That right there really made me wave the BS flag. Her candida is attracting her to other sick people?! He ordered a f-ing white mocha..... the majority of the world orders coffee drinks and this makes HIM "sick and infected?" Riiiiiiiight.
I could never do her diet. her egg drink makes me vomit just thinking about it.
GAPS and SCD make a bunch of sense...but I still DK which one to try. Their stances on probiotics confuses me (SCD feels bifidus can lead to overgrowth issues and thus become problematic---but lactobaccilus is a-ok, whereas GAPS loves all types of good flora).
Thanks for ur post, indigo!