Re: Vindication of Dr. Clark and Rife
>- First of all she was making wild claims about
parasites being the cause of various diseases including diseases
Are you even aware that the lowly virus is a parasite? As are most bacteria, protozoa, and fungi that live within our bodies.
>- in her first book she had incomplete schematics as well as she states any frequency above I think it was 32,000hz.
My copy did not say this, at least as I recall, I loaned it out and never got it back.
Additionally, I have rarely seen any book where the second addition was identical to the first. Have you never heard of a work in progress.
>- really discredited the field including Tesla, Lakhovsky, Moray and Rife
I included Rife and others, just did not have the time to mention all.
>- I have seen many of these lists include a known cancer causing frequency on many of the "cancer treatment" frequencies
Great, share your great wisdom with us and expose those frequencies. I for one am always eager to hear true scientific evidence to the contrary.
>- many of the frequencies are simply being made up.
Possibly, but not likely. Some of the frequencies were determined using inaccurate equipment. I have seen some so called Rife generators off by a factor of 10. Many of these units do not specify their accuracy or their resolution.
>- Rife unit out of Germany. The list had different frequencies
Not familiar with that unit but just because they have a different set of frequencies, it does not necessarily mean that either is wrong. Just like the study that I posted does not match the original Rife frequencies does not make either wrong.
>- they were off by one number each.
Yes, older equipment, especially equipment of the 1930's was not as accurate as some of what we have today.
Go back to the Clark's original claim of any frequency between a few Hz and a few hundred kHz will have an effect that will kill some
parasites eventually.
Think about it, if a
parasite has a resonant frequency of 396,000 Hz, then it is likely to be affected by 99 kHz, 24,750 Hz, 6187.5 Hz, 1546.875 Hz,386.71875 Hz, and so forth. The fact is that for and one resonant frequency, there are many others that can produce ringing at that frequency. Also, note that in many cases, the frequency need not be exact, it can be off by a fair amount and still cause sufficient ringing.
>- These fixed frequency units can be built and for less than $100.00 each
A simple unit such as the ultimate zapper can be built and put into a good professional package for less than $40. We sell out cheapest unit for $64.00 and it is a quality built dual frequency unit with a 5 year warranty because people use it. Our more expensive models are more expensive because of cost of microprocessors and more accurate parts. We provide better than 0.2 percent accuracy in our most popular models.
>- personally would never buy a commercial unit since they are more overpriced fluff than functional.
Agtain, your choice to remain ignorant of the truth because it is easier. You also seriously err in that statement because not every product is overpriced and not all are fluff. I will agree that there are real fluff out there and I have posted about some of them in the past. What you miss again is that there is being progress made. If you bothered to read the study that I posted, there is real and valid research there with answers that vindicate the theory while coming up with different frequencies.