I like you, and I like a lot of your posts and articles in your forum about herbs. I like that you are one of the few people on this website that actually uses scientific sources for their information. Your forum is one of the few I always read on the rare chance I get to visit this website.
That is exactly why I kindly ask you to KEEP OUT of any electrotherapy forums, because you are just totally ruining your credibility here. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. There are so many things wrong with your post I don't even know where to start.
The fact that you have yet to provide any real evidence that I am wrong just goes to prove that you have no idea what you are talking about. This is a common tactic of those who are clueless. They will claim someone is wrong and sometimes even throw around some fancy scientific sounding words to make themselves sound authoritative. But they always have some excuse as to why they can never post any real evidence to the contrary.
First of all, please stop misinforming people about Rife's technique.
You don't get it. A lot more has been learned about radiofrequency therapy since Rife's time. Just like he made advances over his predecessors. Just because you are unaware of anything new learned this does not make it invalid.
Rife's work is out in the open and his lab notes can be looked up all over the web. Your claims contradict his OWN lab notes.
I have had copies of his actual lab notes for 20 years. This is why I know he was narrowing down his frequencies and I know what frequencies he finally rejected and which ones he kept. As you should know by now I don't just make stuff up out of thin air. I base what I say on what I have seen as solid proof.
Go to Rife.Org and you can download them. They are also included in the book, "The Cancer Cure That Worked", the most authorative piece on Rife there is.
Again, I have had copies of his lab notes since before the internet became popular, and it was the Cancer Cure that Worked that got me interested in radiofrequency therapy to begin with. You really need to stop ASSUMING so much!!!
People all over the world, but especially in Germany, have researched his exact technique extensively, scouring for every bit of information they can find so they can recreate his technique. Thanks to this it has been a firmly established fact for quite some time that he used several dozen frequencies, not just one, as you falsely claim here.
Clearly you have not learned how to read yet as I NEVER claimed he only used one frequency.
His lab notes back this fact.
See the above comment.
We KNOW the exact frequencies he used. None of them were even remotely close to the frequency 666 Hz.
Clearly you do not have copies of all his lab notes then.
Secondly, you claim that he was not actually vibrating bacteria or viruses. You claim that Rife was only vibrating the body itself back to a properly resonating state. This is WRONG and PURE misinformation. Please stop spreading this lie around.
Again, you clearly do not understand the premise. Maybe once you learn how to read properly then I will take the time to explain the principle to you in depth. But it not wrong. Nor is there a single frequency that will work. There are other frequencies that are related to the frequencies that Rife kept that would theoretically work just as well. But again, to understand why you would have to understand the principle of why it works in the first place, and you are really far from that point.
Rife saw bacteria and viruses vibrating and being destroyed with his own eyes using the innovative Universal Microscope he invented. His colleagues confirmed this, both during his preliminary work and in the University of Southern California study.
Yes, I know the story very well and I have seen the videos. But you are stuck in the same mentality as most allopathic doctors. They see things with tunnel vision and therefore fail to realize that something can work on more than one principle. The reason that we even started looking in to the relationship between the frequencies was due to the fact that the Rife units were correcting things that had NOTHING to do with pathogens such as nerve regeneration and the treatment of neuropathy. Therefore, it was clear that something else was going on other than vibrating pathogens. Thus we found the connection between the different Rife frequencies and the body. If you want to stay back in the dark ages though believing that radiofrequency therapy only works on one basis then go for it. That just means I am light years ahead of you in understanding the therapy. For that matter, they even experimented with radiofrequency therapy in Australia back in the 50s to kill cancer. But again, the way it was used had NOTHING to do with disrupting pathogen membranes, but it was still highly effective. So again, try to catch up with the modern research. The earth really is not flat!!!
Now, here's an important point. Today's "Rife machines" are not Rife machines at all. They use audio frequencies, not the high 10MHZ++ frequencies that Rife actually used.
Again we will have to disagree on this as the Rife notes I have read said differently.
It is entirely possible, and actually something I have suspected for a long time, that the "Rife machines" of today that use electric handholds as their transmission mode, are not actually vibrating anything to death.
Yet they still work great without all the different frequencies. Wow, we have come a long way since Rife's time!!!
The frequencies are simply too low for that to happen.
Again, you need to take your blinders off.
It is much more likely that they are acting like tuning forks, or information transmitters, bringing your body into sympathetic resonance with the frequency. But I must reiterate again that this only applies to the "Rife machines" of TODAY! The original Rife machine that Royal Raymond Rife himself usedabsolutely, undisputably vibrated viruses and bacteria to death.
Again we will have to continue disagreeing on this.
For you to come and claim otherwise is to ignore decades of careful research into Rife's own lab research notes and interviews with people who worked with him. The Rife Beam Ray trial shed much information as well.
Again you assume too much. I got the frequencies from Rife's research. And guess what? Yep, that is right. They have worked on various cancers and other diseases despite being lower in frequency than you claim that can be effective. Clearly you are overlooking some things due to the blinders you have on.
Stop spreading these claims and lies.
They are only lies in your mind. I have seen these frequencies work numerous times. And again, there is a basis for them. Just because you are ignorant of how they work this does not mean they don't work. As I pointed out there is more to RF therapy than you are claiming as it was even used to kill cancer cells in humans back in the 50s, even though it had nothing to do with microbes. You really need to catch up to the modern research on RF therapy instead of getting stuck in old, outdated ideas!!!
There is enough of that already in this forum from the charlatans here. It is disappointing to see someone else who I've always thought had a respect for true Science to come and join in on the misinformation campaign against a man so mistreated and misjudged in his life.
You can believe what you want. I know the frequencies work as I have seen it time and time again. Especially the liver cancer patient who was given less than a week to live and was cured using the 666hz frequency. If you want to remain ignorant of the facts then go for it. But don't try to censor others providing updated information on electrotherapy just because it conflicts with your old, outdated ideas.
I have more respect for Parazapper than I do you. At least he understands that 666hz can work for disease as well, although we do disagree on how many things it can help. But again there are variables as I have pointed out before such as waveform and power that can affect the outcome. At least he is not so close minded though to think lower frequencies cannot affect the body.
In fact, I am going to even be nice enough to help educate you with some real research. Since you seem to imply that lower frequencies cannot have any real effect on cells I pulled this study up for you:
The aim of this study was to demonstrate the expression of heat shock (HS) genes in human cells in response to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) alone and in combination with thermal stress. After exposing human myeloid leukemia (HL-60) cells to the stressor(s) for 30 min we quantified the expression of the HS genes HSP27, HSP60, HSP70 (A, B, and C), HSC70, HSP75, HSP78, and HSP90 (alpha and beta) by RT-PCR. The results clearly show that HS genes, in particular the three HSP70 genes (A, B, and C), are induced by ELF-EMF, a reaction that is enhanced by simultaneous HS (43 degrees C for 30 min). The results show similarities and some significant differences to previous experiments in which transgenic nematodes were used to monitor the induction of the HSP70 gene under similar stress conditions. We also studied the effect of different flux densities on gene expression in the range of 10-140 microT. Even the lowest dose tested (10 microT) resulted in a significant induction of the genes HSP70A, HSP70B, and HSP70C. The reaction to ELF-EMF shows a maximum at a flux density of 60-80 microT. The unusual dose-response relation reveals an interesting difference to other stressors that elicit the HS response.
As we can see these much lower frequencies do have definitive effects on cells even though they are not vibrating any cells apart. As I have been pointing out all along there are frequencies that can help heal the body and frequencies that can harm the body. Not all of these frequencies are way up in the range you claim. You are just stuck in old outdated ideas and refuse to catch up in to the modern research!!!
I strongly urge you to go read "The Cancer Cure That Worked", because it is CLEAR that you have NO idea what Rife's work was all about.
Been there, done that and moved on to a lot of more current research since then. My advice to you is to do the same rather than sticking to old, outdated ideas!!!
I find this discussion all quite strange. On the one hand you have people giving their own ndividual opinions on both the Hulda and Rife methods for killing parasites and pathogens, and on the other side a person who insists that he is right in his sole interpretation of both.
What comes out of this discussion lacks an appreciation of one thing. The Hulda Clark Zapper Method was specifically devised to kill parasites. Rife's method was specifically devised to kill a huge number of different pathogens including those causing cancer. These were two completely different methods based on two different physics principles. Therefore THEY ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT methods for the following reasons:
* Rife at least used a modulated frequency carrier with a HIGH POWERED PULSED SPECIFIC AND UNIQUE FREQUENCY to kill a specific pathogen that did not involve direct body contact or connexions.
* Hulda Clark used a LOW POWERED ELECTRICAL METHOD WITH BODY CONTACT to kill just parasites that relied on connecting it to the body with pads or metallic grips.
* Rife's method used specific and different RESONANT FREQUENCIES AT HIGHER TRANSMISSION POWER against a specific pathogen to destroy them by electromagnetic resonance. This is almost exactly the same as when the Fat Lady sings, hits one particular note or frequency (the resonant frequency of crystal glass), and the glass shatters to pieces ten feet away. This is also a well-know principle in physics -- Resonance Theory. And when Rife applied the correct resonating frequency to a specific pathogen -- it would over-resonate and over-vibrate the pathogen's nucleus -- thus eventually blowing the pathogen's nucleus apart -- just like when the Fat Lady sings
* Hulda Clark and the Beck Zappers use only an ELECTRICAL CURRENT AT LOW POWER to electrically hyperpolarize the outer cell(s) of the parasite -- a completely different principle to Rife's method. This can also work against certain pathogens but not all. This hyperpolarization works to change or reverse the outer electrical charge on the parasite's outer cell-wall, both wrecking its cell-wall absorbtion metabolism and allowing the immune system to attack it more easily. You can also achieve the same thing by using DMSO, Iodineor Hydrogen Peroxide internally and this method does not really on frequency but instead relies on a sudden transfer of charge to the pathogen from the chemical ion for the same destructive effect on the pathogen or parasite which does not rely on any specific freqency at all. These specific chemicals all have similar and positive electro-chemical effects which change the hyperpolarity of pathogens which all helps to destroy them electro-chemically.
I've also read through many of Rife's notes and peer reviews over the years and he spent a huge amount of his time just discovering all the different and particular resonant frequencies which destroyed specific pathogens and for this he invented and used his own microscope and the Rife Ray Machine. I've also read Hulda Clark's book.
I really can't understand why people are arguing that Rife's methods and Clark's methods are one and the same. They certainly are not. They both rely on completely different and well-established physics principles and their individual action and outcomes on the body and on pathogens and parasites just couldn't be more different.
Furthermore the argument that one particular frequency has the ability to kill ALL harmful pathogens and parasites only shows a distinct lack of any allegiance to any understanding of physics or biochemchemical principles What scientific principle does that statement rely on and where is the evidence? If, instead of a particular frequency, you had argued the case for the body achieving health through obtaining the correct pH, ORP(Redox Potential) or Conductivity I would have been much more pro. But this last sentence has nothing whatsoever to do with any one particular frequency at all.
"The reason that we even started looking in to the relationship between the frequencies was due to the fact that the Rife units were correcting things that had NOTHING to do with pathogens such as nerve regeneration and the treatment of neuropathy. "
Flat out wrong.
These viruses severely damage sensory nerves, causing attacks of sharp, lightning-like pain. Postherpetic neuralgia often occurs after an attack of shingles and can be particularly painful. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes AIDS, also causes extensive damage to the central and peripheral nervous systems. The virus can cause several different forms of neuropathy, each strongly associated with a specific stage of active immunodeficiency disease. A rapidly progressive, painful polyneuropathy affecting the feet and hands is often the first clinical sign of HIV infection. Bacterial diseases such as Lyme disease, diphtheria, and leprosy are characterized by extensive peripheral nerve damage. Viral and bacterial infections can also cause indirect nerve damage by provoking conditions referred to as autoimmune disorders, in which specialized cells and antibodies of the immune system attack the body's own tissues. These attacks typically cause destruction of the nerve's myelin sheath or axon. Some neuropathies are caused by inflammation resulting from immune system activities rather than from direct damage by infectious organisms. Inflammatory neuropathies can develop quickly or slowly, and chronic forms can exhibit a pattern of alternating remission and relapse."
"What Causes Nerve Pain and Nerve Damage?
My best friend personally knew and received treatment from an underground inventor in Tenessee who built his own Rife machine generating very high frequencies with a large plasma tube. He went in one day with a virus and was cured INSTANTLY by the treatment, and bore witness to seeing many diseases in others cured by the treatment. Eventually this inventor stopped giving treatments because despite requesting confidentiality from his clients, his name got out and he was facing serious threats from "Big Brother".