No need for a "cotton gene" from plant..
3 year old info..but the SEM* pics are very good.
[*scanning electron microscope]
Agrobacterium creates cellulose in it's target.
It's what it does. [crown gall disease in plants]
...agrobacterium attacks from the the roots..
injects it's DNA/"plasmids" into target plant..
..perhaps a tree.
...eventually. tree starts producing cellulose.
Cellulose...aka "cotton"..which IS cellulose.
...the tree has no NEED or USE for cotton inside itself..
so the tree makes a "tumor" {"gall"] to conatain the cellulose "cancer"/undesireable tissue.
agrobacterium is used for
Genetically-Modified-Organisms gene tinkering.
very useful to have a bacteria to do the tricksy work of
DNA/plasmid injection. Hey..great..the Agrobacteria
moved our pesticide gene sequence into the new corn seed!
excellent!..start selling those seeds ASAP!
[what else did the Agrobact add to the corn seed?..
what about it's nasty habit of moving cellulose [cotton]
genes into the target plant???
not to worry..the cellulose plasmid is harmless to humans.
...says so right here in the secret BAYER/MONSANTO/ELI LILY
tech notes. Leave "high tech"
Science to those who best
understand it. Gene "splicing" of plants is no different
than any other kind of traditional plant hybridization.
...the fact that we are jumping dna back and forth
between bacteria..fungi..animals..and
not relevant...mere..details. means nothing...nothing
at all. now..go away...have much work today crossing
spiders with goats..a few wrinkles to iron out.