Re: clothing new and old infected new here please help
Menthol Crystals kill bugs and are effective. They are particularly effective when used in isolated circumstances such as your car or sealed bins. Your best place to order is Mountain Rose Herbs
A one lb. bag will last more than a year probably.
Most effective ways to use the crystals without endangering your possessions/house/car is on a cup warmer (get at a good home/hardware store, gourmet food shop or possibly big box store). Mr. Coffee makes a good one for about $9.
For LAUNDRY: Try not to handle laundry more than once. Take it off, throw it into a big sealed bin or dedicated garbage pail, heat the menthol crystals up in there for a few hours to kill any critters and THEN throw it in the wash. This prevents you from accidentally re-infesting yourself while doing laundry! Just make sure not to pack clothes in too tightly (you can turn clothes after they’ve been in the menthol a while) and place the cup warmer on a book or something flat, so it doesn’t rest on an angle in there. No fires please!
I'm attaching a photo of how we used it in a garbage pail. You can use in smaller plastic bins as well.
Can anyone guide me as to how to get an image uploaded? I couldn't load the image.