..fiber tangles in cotton clothing..
..noticed that fibers and fiber tangles in cotton
cloth are eerily similar to what the fibers look like
that grow in/on my skin.
new flannel pajamas; country of manufacture: china
freshly unwrapped..never worn.
lots of tangles..everywhere. sample taken from inside of a
hem using sticky tape.
Ok..so cotton "does this". And an hour ago..I combed out
another mess of tangled fuzzy fibers out of my scalp.
Been doing that for a year now.
I am interpreting this not so much as "there are morgs in the cotton fabric"..as "I am now growing cotton".
...i do recall reading that someone did testing on white
morg fibers and came up with "cellulose" as a result.
other DNA sequencing test came up with agrobacterium
genes in the fibers.
makes sense...agrobacterium loves to create cellulose.
..thats what the "gall" of the "crown gall" infestestion
is...cellulose. "crown gall" disease is CAUSED by
the Agrobacterium.
bright squirrels use Agrobacterium as "mother natures'
gene splicing tool"...for
Genetically-Modified-Organisms fun and games.
...now...folks are becoming.."cotton farmers".
how cool is that, eh?
Thanks clever squirrels...always did like growing things..
now I don't even have to go outside to do it!