Sorry I could not respond to this thread because of a glitch on my account wouldn't allow me to post but an admin fixed it.
Interesting response & had me thinking twice about removing them. I mean I know I was told years ago they we're impacted.
Both the top & bottom right side wisdom teeth have been breaking through the gums for a while now. This past week I've been experiencing pain, more so on the bottom. Today has been the worst by far & it seems to be getting worse. I've been tasting blood almost all day. I'd like to leave them in but again they have already pushed my bottom front teeth together, pushing the one in the middle/front back.
It hurts when I talk or move my jaw. I don't know if it's just coming up now all the way & I should wait it out or contact groton wellness about having atleast the right side removed for now. Only problem with that is I hear Groton wellness doesn't except health/dental insurance & I have to pay out of pocket! God only knows what this is going to cost me to have it done right..