Hi Patti,
What a great post. I recently met with Groton Dental and will be going back at the end of the month to have Dr. Lashner evaluate my extraction sites. (Fortunately I'm only 2 1/2 hours away)
I had four teeth extracted for braces 30 years ago. Ten years later, my wisdom teeth removed and 10 years ago a root canal put in. Recently I had the root canal tooth extracted (my a local oral surgeon's office who I now know is untrained in cavitations)
I've had chronic bacterial and yeast infections for four years and gone to every allopathic an alternative doctor for treatment to no avail. I came upon Groton Dental, met with Dr. Bob Evans and felt I was running down the right path.
I certainly hope so.
It sounds as if you are doing well. I'm curious as to what brought you there to begin with.