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Re: Food is ruining my life!!!!!!!!!!
jaymz Views: 7,388
Published: 17 y
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Re: Food is ruining my life!!!!!!!!!!

first off food is not ruining your life, you are doing that. food doesnt run itself over to you and jump in your belly. take responsibility for it, thats your first step.

usually when the pain, becomes greater than the pleasure, people change. its up to you how bad you want to feel. you could decide today is the last day you want to feel like this, or you can decide its not, continue your bad habits,which will eventually kill you. its your life, its your decision, make the right one. its as simple as that. you sound like you know what you need to do, just do it. it may not be easy, but its better than dying.

good luck! you can do it

"there is do, or do not, there is no try" -Yoda


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