Re: Maya
Thanks Maya, this was very helpful.
I also realized something else. His issues are his. I got mixed up with the fact that you can bring certain personality traits out of people, but you cant change their stream, their beliefs about life, by your own focus. Its his beliefs and I dont have control over them, never did, never will. That answers my question if I was responsible on how he lives his life and how our relationship has turned out. I am not. This is HUGE! It has been the mayor reason I resisted moving on. I felt that by me waiting a little longer and applying LOA I could change all that and get him to change.
I dont see much possibility of him changing his desires due to his belief system. He has not addressed this all his life and unless he does, he is incapable of being emotionally available to me or anyone else for that matter. No positive thoughts and feelings of me will change that. Just the opposite - I wont be a vibrational match once I am able to fully let go.
I think I know now how to incorporate these limiting beliefs into the exercise you gave me (us). It was my limiting beliefs about ME feeling responsible for HIS issues to some degree and ME being responsible he did not get better. The positive statement turning this around is I am NOT responsible for his issues or the development throughout our relationship.
Maya, do you think I should talk with him about my thoughts, why I have decided to move on? I have never brought up this subject of him having some serious issues making it impossible for him to be emotionally available. I did try years ago, but we were both much younger and I didnt know then what I know now. I dont exactly remember what I said back then. He is older now! Would it be advisable to try to get him to think about that he has to deal with his issues or he will never be able to live the life he says he wants, as he had been telling me whenever I would bring up the fact that this relationship wasnt working for me? I dont know if it would make any sense, meaning if someone like him would ever admit to himself what is really going on unless they come up with it on their own because they are ready?
Thanks so much Maya. Im also looking forward to the EFT-Abraham combo :-)
BTW, I did not know you were also an EFT teacher!
Much Love, Monica