Re: Jesus Prays for His Disciples
During the Vietnam War, I knew that I would become eligible for the draft. Even though I was against the war, I had a strange desire to be there alongside my countrymen, but I also knew that it would be foolish to go...because I also believed in justice VERY MUCH. I would have made sure that the second bullet from my rifle would go into my head (justice is that if you unjustly take another person's life, then you also forfeit your own), I would have pronounced justice upon myself and carried out the sentence immediately...I wouldn't have lasted half an hour in the battlefield. As it turned out, when I finally registered for the draft (the law), I was classified 4F denied. I had always prayed to God to keep me from being drafted, He just let me have the experience of thinking that I might be so that I could make that decision of justice and learn to think beyond "life in this world" (thank you God!). I would have died for what I believed in, I would have made sure of that.
I know that some soldiers truly feel and believe that they are protecting their country (POLICE protect also). The Lord will look at each person's conscience and see who really was ethical, just, and true in the performance of their duty (whatever their job and deeds). If the U.S. was INVADED, it would be more clear that PROTECTION is necessary, but the U.S. INVADES OTHER countries.
Still, if a soldier truly BELIEVES (thinks, mistakenly or not) that they are doing the right thing,...who knows???...let The Lord be the judge.
The U.S. has always been an aggressive "intervenionist" nation (making a HABIT of using the military to ATTACK other countries for ECONOMIC gain). Of course there is no "GOOD" reason for any wars anywhere in the world, but the U.S. was always VERY aggressive for economic gain. In 1893, the warmongering U.S. government proposed a constitutional amendment to change the name of this country to "The United States OF THE EARTH" (a little ambitious, huh?), but the people wanted to abolish the Army and Navy altogether, so an impasse was reached and neither happened.
Many people have protested wars, but few would have the strength of conviction God taught me (allowed me to learn) during Vietnam. War will never end, it is human nature that people want "a piece of each other". A person can't truly begin to understand the Godly nature until we see the folly of our own "human nature", but since so many refuse to see the folly of human nature,...hatred, resentment and war will never disappear from this world.
This world teaches us to be predators and pursue "a piece of each other" and not see the folly.