I am pretty much completely vegan Chris and due to my widely varied diet I have rarely worried too much about where all my nutrients come from. I feed my children the same and make sure they do get nuts and seeds in their diets as well as plenty of raw food, which is the most important consideration in my opinion. Once I regain a healthy weight I intend to continue a very high raw content in my diet and I know that many raw foods contain at least trace amounts of nutrients that are considered lacking in a vegetarian diet. Also most or probably all recommendations for 'minimum requirements' of nutrients are based on eaters of meat and other highly processed foods. I think the healthier and more natural the diet the less we need to count our nutrients and it's certainly not something I spend any time worrying about nor after 20 years without meat am I falling down crying out for lack of iron or b12 or anything else of importance.
I no more believe that we should need any animal products or any other additives for that matter if it is a healthy enough diet. No more than I believe that a fasting body needs anything added to it. The non-fasting body can also do a lot more than medical Science gives it for, and people on animal free diets can typically manufacture more within them and also use what they have far more effeciently than is allowed for.