OK. I wanted to write this email for a long time ( 1.5 years).
I have been plagued with sluggish digestion, incomplete evacuation and BLOATING for almost 1.5 years. The problem started when I weaned my daughter from breast ( mid 2005). For the 2 years she was nursing, I maintained a slim figure. When I weaned her off the breast, all of a sudden I started gaining weight around my abdominal area. I was not "eliminating well."
I went to a lot of doctors, had lots of tests and nothing wrong was found in me. I started looking for 'cause of my sudden bloating' on the internet, when the doctors and western medicin failed me. I found Curezone and my search began.
At first I self-diagnosed myself as some Candida problem. I strictly followed the Candida diet, took lots of probiotics and anti-fungals. My health continued to detoriate. NO improvement. The bloating was stubborn and there to stay.
I also did a series of Liver Flushes. Because, I thought my Liver might be congested and bile flow inadequate. After 13 flushes done over 6 months, the bloating was NOT reduced.
I could never gather the courage of doing a MC or any fasting which Barefoot suggests. A lot of people in curezone suggest fasting as a cure, but just could not do it.
Then I tried a CASTOR OIL CLEANSE. http://www.sakthifoundation.org/castor_oil_cleansing.htm In the first cleanse itself, I felt I could suck in my abdomen, I felt so good. I have done 4-5 CASTOR OIL cleanse 1-2 mths apart. And I can say with confidence that bloating is completely gone and the digestion has improved drastically. I am able to enjoy food once again.
I am talking about taking CASTOR OIL orally, and not packs. I use only cold pressed organic CO. I tried CO packs once and found them to be very messy and not as affective. Plus there is so much wastage of oil.
CO is amazing stuff. I once applied to my cracked heals, and it completely healed in 2 days. I once cured my headache by doing the CO cleanse.I know CO is thick and hard to drink, but our intestines need the cleaning every once in a while, and CO is very effective in the cleansing process. Not sure if it also cleans the Liver, but it definately cleanse the stomach and the intestines.
here is my protocol for CO flush.
1. Wake up early in morning on a holiday, and mix 60 ml of CO + 100 ml of Orange Juice, well, in a bottle.
2. Hold the nose and drink the concoction. Immediately pop a mint in my mouth and let go off the nose.
3. I bypass the taste this way. I have not had any vomiting, but sometimes I get the nasty burps, and feel the taste. But thats about it.
4. I can move around the house, do my chores, or just lie down.
5. An hour after, I start drinking lukewarm water, ( as much as I can tolerate). This is to give a hot-wash to my intestines.
6. I start having bowel movements, in an hour or so. I once counted and I had something like 12 BMs with this amount of dose, which lasted for 6-7 hours.
7. I skip breakfast, that day, and have a light lunch like khichidi. I also eat some fruits. Any fruit is good, as they are easily digested.
8. By dinner time I am normal, and can have normal dinner. Although, I still keep it light and healthy( No fried stuff).
9. I feel 100% better next day and diarrhea is gone. I also noticed, that bowels are dark brown coloured, implying that bile flow is adequate.
10. I try to do CO oil cleanse, once a month.
For my last 3 LFs, I combined CO cleanse as well. That is do CO cleanse in morning, follwed by LF that day. But now I am doing only CO flushes. And not doing Liver Flushing. My bloating is seriously gone.
I realise the importance of cleansing out Liver, Stomach and Intestines. If they are not clean, disease is just on its way to bite us. And a bloated tummy is just a sign of sickness. SO I wanted to fix it, by all means.
I have tried a lot of things in the past one year, since I came to Curezone. A anti-candida diet, Coconut Oil, Liver Flushing, SWF, ES purges etc. But nothing has worked like this castor Oil cleanse. One thing, which I stayed away was Enemas/Colonics etc. Never wasted my time /money on those.
So now I am doing CO cleanse ( once a month), cold showers ( every day), drink one liter of lukewarm water with lemon/honey ( evrery morning). I also exercise and try to skin brush. I am 31yrs F, weigh 120lbs.
In my opinion try this CO clease 4-5 times, done evry 2 weeks and see if the size of your tummy goes down. It really went down in my case!!!!
It took me 2-3 CO cleanses before I started noticing that I could really suck in my belly. When after a dozen LFs I was not seeing improvement in my bloating , I had to look elsewhere.
Someone on LF forum, advised me to do CO cleanse, when after 6 flushes, I was still bloated. But I dismissed her advice, as she also told me CO tastes nasty. But then, I relooked at my old posts and tried to give it a shot. And finally something has worked for me.
I hate to take expensive supplements. Even things like oxy-powder and all I am against. I have tried those things and found them to be a sheer waste of money.
So far I have done I thing 4-5 CO cleanses. I plan to do them once a month, if all goes well.
I started LFing to just fix my bloating. I never had any Liver-GB symptoms, and had no idea what it means by a GB attack. ( Like many stories we read in LF forum).
I am self-diagnosing and self-experimenting to find a cure for my probelms. But I try to do my homework and read as much as possible before I do anything.
When I read that CO is so safe, even kids can have it in small amounts, I thought, I should try it.
I have never done any parasite cleanse, but with CO I have elminated some parasite looking things ( red mucousy stuff) . I was baffaled, as I did not think, I could host parasites. I also eliminate a lot of mucus with this cleanse.
I still keep reading to find ways how to further boost my health. I take zero supplements. Have trashed all my supplements, vitamins, minerals etc. We just need to eat healthy and keep cleaning our pipes(intestines) from time to time.
Dear San2006,
I am really glad that you finally took my CO advise. By the way it was me months ago how started talking about CO against bloating here in curezone.
Although I absolutely hate the CO concoction I force myself doing this cure about once a month. Bloating by the way was my problem not for 1.5 years as in your case but for 30 years!!!!!!! Now I am more or less never bloated and also my chemical sensitivity has faded a lot.
However, there is one thing I really want to stress:
Bloating is a sign that toxic substances are released by the liver into the bile and eventually into the intestines. These toxins are feeding bad bacteria that cause bloating. Therefore, in order to detox CO taken on a regular base is highly recommendable. Not only the waist cirumference will be reduced after some applications also the mind will be clearer and willpower as well as stamina will increase.
The ideal combination would be liver flushing and in between CO.
Good luck ad blessings
I have recently developed cervical stenosis, causing constant imbalance and dizziness.
I considered using castor oil - I am not sure exactly how it could reverse the degeneration. I know it is a highly penetrating substance, and I was rather worried that it might disrupt the blood/brain barrier for that reason if used on a long-term basis.
At the moment, I am using Wei Laboratories "Whitee" patches (Chinese herbal patches) on the back of the neck.
Soon I hope to get more "L/C Balancer" and "Brown Juice" to work with the patches. They are Chinese herbals taken orally.
Wei Labs is based in the US, and there are many practitioners in the US using these products. Check them out with Internet search.
It may take up to 6 months to reverse the stenosis, but ! will try.
The "L/C Balancer" improves microcirculation.The "Brown Juice" improves liver function so that bone spurs will be reabsorbed
(and hopefully also deposits of necrotic matter within the spinal canal). This is a real alternative to surgery. I want to help as many people as I possibly can.
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