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Re: Castor Oil orally has CURED my bloating...
grzbear Views: 41,508
Published: 18 y
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Re: Castor Oil orally has CURED my bloating...

Note that this cleanse uses olive oil... My high school gf's family was very involved in the Cacye clinic and friends with the McGary's and the castor oil replaced the olive in the cleanse I did at 18...

The Apple Cleansing Diet

Easy three or four day "apple cleanse" that helps improve assimilation and elimination for anyone regardless of whether they're in relatively good shape or needing to launch into a more vigorous therapeutic program.

By Margaret Grady, Dept. of Education, A.R.E. Clinic

Apple Cleansing Diet

Most people are toxic to some degree, and we have found that a good cleansing routine with the apple-diet regimen is the first step toward improving assimilation and elimination for anyone. It is good for the liver, the gallbladder, and the colon.

If one is reasonably well, the detoxification will bring about a feeling of well-being and provide inexpensive and effective insurance against disease.

If one is not well, the apple-cleansing regimen is an excellent beginning of a therapeutic program.

The cleansing apple diet is recommended for any case where toxicity could be a cause or contributing factor to such problems as headache, debilitation, neuritis, arthritis, constipation, incoordination of assimilation and elimination, subluxations, anemia, stroke, pinworms, etc.

Check with your doctor to see if there are any contraindications before you begin this cleansing diet.

Apples Only

For three or four days, eat nothing but raw early-ripening apples, like Jonathans, red or yellow Delicious, Oregon Reds, Arkansas Black, or Sheep Nose. You may prefer organically-grown apples. You should try to eat at least six apples each day.

Olive Oil

Cayce recommended that at the end of the third day of the Apple Diet, you should drink down about 2 oz. of olive oil.

Supplemental Treatments

On the first or second day of the diet, it would be a good idea to have a colonic if you can.

During the diet, it would also be a good idea to wear a castor oil pack overnight. Also, steam cabinet treatments, exercise, and drinking lots of water are all helpful in flushing out the toxins that are being released. You don’t want to reabsorb them!

What to Drink

Apples have a lot of fiber and will absorb water... so be sure to drink plenty of water!


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