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  • hello i saw an item called malic acid powder food ...   husky333   10 y  4,755

    This is a reply to # 2,165,560

    hello i saw an item called malic acid powder food grade 1kg. which has many uses. including making for tart sweets and everthing else. but it dosent say wether its the l type or what not. would th ....

    hello i saw an item called malic acid powder food grade 1kg. which has many uses. including making for tart sweets and everthing else. but it dosent say wether its the l type or what not. would this still be good. as its quite cost effective?
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    EXPERIENCE: Stones prior to oil/grapefruit mix   RN jeffmart   16 y  25,302  C

    EXPERIENCE: Stones prior to oil/grapefruit mix

    I did my third flush (Andreas Moritz version) over the weekend. A few weeks after the second one, I began experiencing gall stone pain under the ribs for the first time ever. I had an ultrasound and they found no stones. The pain continued and I decided to try again to relieve the symptoms. This time, an hour after taking the second cup of epsom, I went to the bathroom and expelled 7 brown stones. I am certain they are stones and not stool. Has this happened to anyone before? I thought the stones would only be released after the oil/grapefruit mix, not before. Thanks for your time.
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    SCIENCE: Liver Flush, Separating Facts from Fictio...   BSA Educational White Shark   16 y  127,606  C

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    SCIENCE: Liver Flush, Separating Facts from Fiction

    Can Gallstones really exit gallbaldder and move to intestines?

    - Some Gallstones from some gallbladders can exit and move to intestines.

    So, the Liver Flush may support that process.

    (Yes, a fatty dinner just might do something similar, but I am not convinced that the benefits of a fatty dinner can be compared to the benefits of a liver flush.

    Many, if not all people who tried liver flush, also "tried" many fatty dinners (many times in their life), usually with not as many health benefits. But there is no doubt that fatty dinner is flushing your liver and your gallbladder, that is what gallbladder is for, for collecting bile and waiting for a large fatty meal. There is no doubt that many Gallstones get flushed out that way, and the owner may never know what really happened inside, cause those stones unfortunate enough to be flushed out from gallbladder, just may get lost inside feces.)

    How do we know that Gallstones can exit Gallbladder?

    Read here:

    ( Both sides of Liver-Flush debate agree that some stones can exit gallbladder! )

    - gallbladders have been passing smaller gallstones for hundreds of thousands of years
    - gallbladders have been passing smaller gallstones together with bile. It is a result of natural selection. Those who's gallbladders were unable to expel gallstones were not as healthy as those who's gallbladders were able to do so. Being able to expel gallstones is an important evolutionary advantage, and can mean the difference between life or death.

    What people pass during the flush may or may not have existed in that size and shape inside gallbladder or inside bile ducts.
    Actually, some of those green formations are formed overnight, from bile expelled during the flush, and will dissolve back to cholesterol acids if left exposed to air and heat. Bile is composed from cholesterol acids, and can be of any color: green, yellow, black, orange, red, brown, tan etc.

    Read this:

    and watch this next video. This video shows what happens with the soft "stones" when left exposed to the air/heat.


    Launch in external player or download.

    Fact: Some of those soft formations created overnight (created inside digestive tract from bile) may actually contain real smaller cholesterol crystals, gallstones, embedded.

    Yes, most gallstones are not rock hard, but are instead waxy cholesterol formations.

    Cholesterol is a waxy substance. Bile is composed from cholesterol.

    Fact: Huge majority of people who try Liver Flush feel better.

    Fact: stone may actually exit gallbladder, and may actually cause acute pancreatitis, and if person does not stop eating, or if person does not receive some other treatment, a person may die.
    (tradition treatment for pancreatitis is water fasting)
    Pancreatitis is a serious risk, but so far, only one out of 800 people reported that problem. Source: Liver Flush Forum

    So, there are risks associated with Liver Flush?!

    But, are there any risks associated with gallbladder surgery?
    Read here:




    Hundreds of negative experiences with gallbladder surgery.


    So, there are risks associated with both procedures.

    It is you to make your choice!

    Fact: Some gallstones are too large to be flushed out.
    Yes, a gallstone can be too large to exit gallbladder.
    In that case, liver flush may help eliminate pain and symptoms, but will not help get the stone out.
    In that case, liver flush may cause more pain.
    In that case, liver flush may be the best or the worst thing to do.

    Fact: Some people feel great after the gallbladder surgery.

    Fact: Some people feel great after the Liver Flush.

    Read more here:


    White Shark
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    SCIENCE: How Did Pulp Get In Middle of Stone?   2Health   16 y  15,408  C

    SCIENCE: How Did Pulp Get In Middle of Stone?

    I did a Liver-Flush Wednesday. I cut open one of the large stones to see if it would have any burnt orange color from the walnut extract I always put in the OO/GF, and right in the middle of it was what looked like a flesh colored worm or parasite, the size of rice, no burnt orange color, but different shades of green and brown.

    I had to PULL the "worm" out of the middle of the "stone" cuz it was kind of stuck in it, wanting to check out this "worm" more closely, I noticed it was stretchy and rubbery and I pulled on it it still stretched, I pressed on it between my thumb and finger, it felt spongy, I stretched it again, it was rubbery, it got on the top of my finger and I couldn't shake it off, it was sticky. I thought, "could this be pulp? Nahhhh. Pulp isn't rubbery or stretchy.

    I was taking out the trash with the halves of grapefruit on top, I got some pulp on my hand, getting ready to wash it off, to my amazement, I noticed it was the exact same thing as the "worm", same size, same color, same texture, same rubbery texture. I then wanted to simulate what I did with the "worm" in the stone, so I took another piece of pulp out of the grapefuit, (the grapefuit had been in the trash for about 38 hours since being cut, still moist though) I pressed it between my thumb and finger and it looked exactly the same, felt exactly the same, exactly the same size, and stuck to my finger. It was like De Je Vu.

    How could a piece of pulp get in the MIDDLE of a stone if stones are made in the liver?

    I desperately want to know/believe Liver-Flush are real, and not just the OO/GF mix. I was convinced from all my "stones" that they are real because none of the "stones" come out burnt orange, or any orange from the walnut extract, just various shades of green or brown.

    I wish others wound not take out the pulp from their OO/GF mixutre next time they do a flush and see if there are any pulp inside any of their stones.

    Any comments or ideas?

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    SCIENCE: Gallstones can not be expelled from gallb...   BSA Educational White Shark   18 y  130,648  C

    Epsom Salt Encapsulated
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    SCIENCE: Gallstones can not be expelled from gallbladder! Fact or Fiction?


    We have all heard it almost every time someone mentions liver flush:

    Gallstones can not be expelled from gallbladder!

    Fact or Fiction?

    Is there any solid evidence that Gallstones can exit gallbladder?

    If there was any solid evidence that Gallstones can exit gallbladder, why would any doctor claim that gallstones CAN NOT exit gallbladder?

    Answer: Fact and Fiction.

    Fact: Some gallstones can exit gallbladder.

    Fiction: All gallstones can exit gallbladder. (Rare stones can be even larger then 2 inch (5Cm) in smallest diameter)

    Fiction: Gallstones can not exit gallbladder.
    (Anyone believing that no stone can exit gallbladder is ignorant/uninformed or plain wrong.)
    Stones can be smaller then 2 mm in diameter, and could easily travel through bile ducts, without causing obstruction, pain or any symptoms).

    In rare occasions, bile ducts can be extermely large, significantly larger then 2mm across, allowing stones, sometimes as large as 1cm across smallest diameter to travel through the ducts and to exit into intestines.

    Every stone starts it's life as a microscopic crystal of cholesterol. Very few gallstones ever get a chance to grow larger then 2mm. Most are expelled while microscopic or while as small as sand.

    cholesterol = chole + sterol
    The name originates from the Greek chole- (bile) and stereos (solid)

    cholesterol = Greek for solid bile

    How do we know that some gallstones can exit gallbladder?

    Medical science! Obstruction of the common bile duct is often caused by gallstones that were expelled from the gallbladder:
    In patients with chronic Pancreatitis, common bile duct obstruction is reported in 3.2-45.6% of patients; however, only 5-10% of all patients with chronic Pancreatitis require operative decompression of the bile duct.
    Passage of gallstones into the common bile duct occurs in approximately 10-15% of patients with Gallstones. The incidence is thus related to the presence of gallstones, which are very common (10-20% of population).
    Jaundice occurs in patients with gall stones when a stone migrates from the gall bladder into the common bile duct...

    Let us do some math here.

    20% of people in USA may develop gallstones during their life
    15% of people in USA with gallstones may experience obstruction of the common bile duct

    How many people in USA may experience obstruction of the common bile duct?

    Answer: 3% of the total population where 20% may develop gallstones during lifetime.

    What about USA?

    Population of USA: 300 million.
    How many people may experience obstruction of the common bile duct during their life?

    3% = 9 million people in USA will experience obstruction of the common bile duct with gallstone(s), gallstone(s) that most likely was/were formed inside gallbladder, and then expelled, only to be stuck into the common bile duct.

    9 million reasons why doctrors claiming gallstones can not exit gallbladder are wrong!

    Question: Do all gallstones expelled from gallbladder end-up blocking common bile duct?

    Answer: No, only gallstones that have specific size and/or specific shape.

    How many gallstones have that specific size and/or shape that would allow it to exit gallbladder, but would not allow it to pass through common bile duct or through the "sphincter of oddi"?

    Nobody knows the answer to this question.

    But, we could estimate that less then 10% of all stones would qualify.

    In other words, 90% of gallstones (or gallbladder sand and sludge ) that exits gallbladder does not stuck in the common bile duct, and will never be registered.

    What does that mean? Majority of people with gallstones have expelled some of their stones at one time or another, without ever knowing it happened. Stones pass from bile ducts into intestines ... no pain ... no obstruction ... no symptoms ... no awareness .... nobody knows it happened. But it happens every day. That is what nature intended for gallstones.

    Why can't all stones pass through bile ducts ?

    Lack of phisical activity, poor diet, stress, not drinking enough water .... hundreds of reasons.

    What about USA?

    Population of USA: 300 million.
    Number of people who will develop gallstones: 20% = 60 million.

    If 90% of them expel some smaller gallstones at one time or another during their life, then we have 54 million of people who are going to pass or have already passed gallstones, and are not aware of it!!!

    54 million of people in USA may expel some smaller gallstones from their gallbladder, while 9 million people in USA will experience obstruction of the common bile duct.

    The sphincter of oddi is situated in the upper intestine, or duodenum, at the site where the common bile duct enters intestine. Normally, this sphincter functions as a one-way valve to allow bile and pancreatic secretions to enter the bowel, while preventing the contents of the bowel from backing up into these ducts.

    White Shark

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    Issue 177: Science Project: Dyeing to Know the Ans... Image Embedded   BSA Educational Webmaster   18 y  114,158  C

    Issue 177: Science Project: Dyeing to Know the Answer

    New Surveys: Master Cleanse and Oil Pulling Issue 177: Science Project: Dyeing to Know the Answer Eight months ago, I published my story, an attempt to find out what those green "stones" are. Actually, the whole story started 4 years ago when Andy suggested to dye flush ingredients in order to find out if oil, juice, water and Epsom Salt are actually producing stones inside our body. The subject of his message was: " Dyeing to Know the Answer". The idea was great, and there were several attempts. Several people tried using beetroot juice. Their results: ... [Image Embedded Here]   [This message is long. Retrieve the whole message]
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