Re: Liver Flush, Separating Facts from Fiction
So this is the
Science that proves that human digestion of oil results in a bunch of lumps? Brilliant.
Somebody please describe this new digestive process. Here I was thinking that the oil is broken down into its fatty acids for digestion, and all the time it was turning to lumps in my gut.
And what about people who have had the stones analyzed in a lab and have found them to be cholesterol, not olive oil? Anybody really care about answering that since you've concluded that the die can't lie?
Who can say that die would not penetrate a soft cholesterol stone anyway? I have no idea. It's just a question. I find it interesting that people spend so much energy trying to prove things without even wondering about penetration of soft material, or of lab results showing cholesterol, or of the dangers of describing a new form of human digestion - The Lump Theory - without asking one question about any of the above.
Have you all gone mad? Can you honestly look at those stones and guess that they formed over night? Just send the stones to a lab please. It's far simpler, more direct, and doesn't involve hocus pocus digestion theories. If the lab says they are olive oil, knock me down with a feather. For one thing people use walnut and almond oils and they don't have any color to speak of. It's ridiculous to thing that old looking material formed as a lump by overnight digestion. That is not digestion. That person would DIE if they digested simple olive oil like that.
Quit wasting your life - send the stuff to a lab. Make sure you ask them how you get an oil that is LIQUID at room temperature to harden into a lump in the body that is over 98 degrees. Have you bothered to ask yourself that question? It's ludicrous. If you said it ran out of you in liquid form I would have an easier time believing this hocus pocus that it somehow coagulated via human digestion. Are you mad?