Re: Good point hereandnow
Hi Haakon!
I just read what the swedish retired medicine doctor Karl Otto Aly (who seems to be very openminded towards complementary medicine) wrote about the
Liver Flush and according to him (I translate a part of the swedish text from that you, Haakon, refered to above) "the soft, darkgreen lumps that can be found in the stool after undergoing this treatment - and that incorrectly has been claimed to be
Gallstones - are soaped bile acids".
This sounds, to me, like a natural explanation and can explain why some people get this green lumps only by taking Epsom salt, without taking any olive oil or lemon juice etc.
It´s the bile alone that forms these "stones" so maybe we now can "forget" the "soaped olive oil, lemon juice idea"?!
And to get rid of some used old bile is probably good, and this could explain the health benefits coming from the flush?!