Re: Issue 177: Science Project: Dyeing to Know the Answer
I've talked to a radiologist and he told me, there's no such thing as stones inside the liver. So I made my own research. Very rarely stones appear in liver bile, even in persons that have a lot of gallstones, only 3,4% have also in the narrow liver ducts. So,
Hulda Clark was all along wrong, it's absolutly not true, that 99,9% cancer patients have
liver stones !
Something more about so called gallstones: they are heavier than water, they even heavier than bile, so it absolutely not true, that "stones" from liver-flush (made from cholesterol) could float in water. I remember that my mother had her gallstone in a jar and they were raly heavy.
And at last - apple juice cannot disolve stones, because juice cannot reach stones from the intestines - gallbladder is locked-up.
The only thing that is 'good' in Clark's
Liver Flush it's intestinal cleanse (minor).
It's sad, that late
Hulda Clark used alternative medicine's good name for her own gain. That's why there is so much quackery in alternative. Business as usual.
I made a liver-gallbladder cleanse 6 times with a little success, after this new knowledge I'll stick with Jon Barron recipe.