Hi :-) Like some of you guys, I have been having very persistent (I mean NON-stop), uncontrollable gas which gives off a very horrible smell. Or sometimes I simply smell like b.o and have vaginal discharge constantly. This has been happening for the longest. I don't remember when it began exactly or how. But it has affected every area of my life and I am always embarrassed in public settings. I am 17 year old girl and would love to go to college and enjoy my life completely. I am clean (I shower twice a day, wear clean clothes etc) but I think my insides are telling me otherwise.
Very recently I've been doing some research on the subject and have concluded that the excessive gas and bad smell that I am experiencing could possibly be due to some type of parasite or bacteria (Candida?). It seems like there is no other reason for this than that.
here are some of my symptoms:
-persistent and uncontrollable gas 24/7
-constant warm, burning sensation around my bum, back, and tummy.
-gurgling noises in tummy
-persistent vaginal discharge*
-coated tongue
-tightness and pressure around chest
-feathery, creeping feeling
-breath smells like my gas sometimes
-weak feeling
-just overall no calmness going on in my tummy or body!
I've read some stories about people trying out the Candida diet and having success with it for their flatulence. But I wanna try something much stronger than this. If it is indeed parasite or bacteria (bacteria is known to cause odor from breaking down foods I think?), then I will try performing something I put together from reading cures and articles from online. I'll try posting the links to some of the individual cures I read soon.
Hopefully, strictly acting on this list for a month (or longer) will get rid of the bacteria/parasites which have contributed to my tummy troubles :)
1) First I will try out parasite cleansers, colon cleansers, and liver flushes on myself. As many as needed.
2) an anti-fungal to eliminate the bad bacteria
3) 50 billion probiotics to restore the good bacteria that was eliminated. everyday
4)L-glutamine to restore gut lining.
5)while performing this, fresh vegetable juices and 3 tablespoons of E.V coconut oil as a microbial
6)start introducing the Candida diet (fresh, dark green veggies, chicken, fish, etc) with 3 tblespoons of coconut oil during every meal.
7) hard exercise which releases toxins through sweat and makes my serotonin levels go up.
8) lots and lots of purified water. this gets rid of a lot of toxins as well.
9) kegal and yoga to calm body and tighten muscles
10) enzymes to help aid in digestion once every thing seems to be back in order.
I will perform this for a month everyday until I am sure that I'm 100% healed. I am excited but so afraid...if this does not work then I'm not sure what I'll do from here as I've tried everything. But I have faith it will.
If I made any mistakes or if you have any suggestions please it would be nice to hear those. peace
cleansing your bowels may be a good idea.. how to do it..eat right.. and lots of fiber..less fat and less carbs.. less sugar of course because sugar feeds the fungus(candida), and bacteria... don't forget to eat lots of fiber..it flushes out toxins, bad bacteria and keeps stool constantly moving,regularly cleansing the colon..hope this message can help :)
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