Re: Cialis not working. Please read and any info would be greatly appreciated.
Possible problem in liver in breaking down the drug, you may need to do a
B3 200mg with meals (and then lower it to 100)
B12 1-3mg (methy)
folicacid 1mg (folate form)
Take a liver enhancer, like gluthione,Milkthistle, dandelion,SAM-E
Look into enhanceing your erection via Arginine 2grams with each meal(with orithione)
Also look for tinctures, that have yohimbe,catcuba bark
Not to mention, do some tests
Free Testoesterone
do the erection test, doppler scan to clear things out
but your erection problem could be from your stress, the pill worked, untill your liver failed to break it down.
Of course, it could be anything else.
wish you happy marriage.