I have had my Mirena for going on five years now. I experienced incontinence symptoms for about two years now, and they have varied as far as severity but never went completely away. For the last 3 months symptoms have increased gradually and at this point I can not jump or run or cough without, well you know. I have gained 25 pounds during that five years and am now on blood pressure meds, Prosac and wellbutrin both. Depression has always loomed over me so no telling if the symptoms are related to my Mirena or not I have been diagnosed HPV virus positive as "precancerous" My newest symptom is unusual odorous bleeding which has lasted for over a week now, and tonight I have been experiencing a twitching type feeling in the resident area. Needless to say I am scheduling an appointment first thing tomorrow and am hoping for the best but expecting the worst.
On the upside,