Researchers wonder whether the incidents of paralysis are related to a respiratory virus that's sweeping across the nation.
A cluster of paralysis and limb weakness among nine children in Colorado has researchers at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention baffled. The CDC is evaluating whether the symptoms could be associated with the recent outbreak of enterovirus D68 across the nation.
The children in question developed respiratory problems, but later developed limb weakness. Doctors say some of the children later developed paralysis in some of their limbs.
CNN is reporting that four of the children have tested positive for enterovirus D68 so far, but doctors are not sure that the virus, which has spread across the U.S., is the cause of the paralysis and muscle weakness. The children have tested negative for West Nile virus and polio. All are being treated at Children's Hospital in Aurora. Most are reportedly from the Denver metropolitan area.
In February, another polio-like syndrome was revealed in California. Five cases of sudden onset paralysis were described by Stanford University researchers at an American Academy of Neurology conference in Philadelphia.
"Although poliovirus has been eradicated from most of the globe, other viruses can also injure the spine, leading to a polio-like syndrome," said Stanford neurologist Keith Van Haren.
"In the past decade, newly identified strains of enterovirus have been linked to polio-like outbreaks among children in Asia and Australia," Van Haren continued in a statement.
The California children in the Stanford University report tested negative for polio, and all had been vaccinated. Two of the five children tested positive for D68.
Thousands of children across the nation have been sent to the hospital with a severe respiratory virus and 277 of those cases are confirmed to be enterovirus D68. The presence of the virus has been confirmed in 40 states. Researchers also say that they don’t yet know why this particular enterovirus outbreak is so severe compared with past years.
Enteroviruses are a diverse group of viruses that affect millions of people worldwide each year and have a high mutation rate. The most common ones resemble symptoms of an intense cold, such as coughing and difficulty breathing, which may be worse in those who suffer from asthma. Doctors say the virus can be accompanied by a rash, fever and wheezing. Often described as a summer cold, some enteroviruses typically peak just in time for the beginning of the school year.
This particular enterovirus is a distant cousin of the polio virus. The chief symptom of the virus, as it progresses, is difficulty breathing. Children with asthma have the greatest risk for hospitalization. The virus was first identified in the 1960s but has not been very common until now with only a few reported cases identified since that time, mostly in clusters in the U.S. and overseas. There is no vaccine for the D68 virus and no specific treatment; doctors have been effectively treating it with supportive care, including the administration of oxygen. None of the reported cases have proven fatal to date.
Doctors are giving standard advice when asked how to mitigate the chances of infection. Washing your hands frequently with soap and water, disinfecting frequently touched surfaces, and avoiding direct physical contact with other people are the best ways to avoid infection.
Acute Neurologic Illness with Focal Limb Weakness of Unknown Etiology in Children
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is working closely with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and Children’s Hospital Colorado to investigate a cluster of nine pediatric patients hospitalized with acute neurologic illness of undetermined etiology. The illness is characterized by focal limb weakness and abnormalities of the spinal cord gray matter on MRI. These illnesses have occurred since August 1, 2014 coincident with an increase of respiratory illnesses among children in Colorado. The purpose of this HAN Advisory is to provide awareness of this neurologic syndrome under investigation with the aim of determining if children with similar clinical and radiographic findings are being cared for in other geographic areas. Guidance about reporting cases to state and local health departments and CDC is provided. Please disseminate this information to infectious disease specialists, intensive care physicians, pediatricians, neurologists, radiologists/neuroradiologists, infection preventionists, and primary care providers, as well as to emergency departments and microbiology laboratories.
The United States is currently experiencing a nationwide outbreak of EV-D68 associated with severe respiratory disease. The possible linkage of this cluster of neurologic disease to this large EV-D68 outbreak is part of the current investigation. CDC is seeking information about other similar neurologic illnesses in all states, especially cases clustered in time and place. CDC has particular interest in characterizing the epidemiology and etiology of such cases.
Non-Polio Enterovirus
Persons who meet the following case definition should be reported to state and local health departments:
Patients ≥21 years of age with
Acute onset of focal limb weakness occurring on or after August 1, 2014;
An MRI showing a spinal cord lesion largely restricted to grey matter.
CDC requests that state and local health departments report persons meeting the case definition to CDC using a brief patient summary form (in development).
Providers should consult with their local and state health department for laboratory testing of stool, respiratory and cerebrospinal fluid specimens for enteroviruses, West Nile virus and other known infectious etiologies for patients meeting the above case definition.
Polio Disease In-Short
California’s first cases of a virus that has been spreading across the country were confirmed Thursday by the state’s chief health official.
Four cases of enterovirus D68 have been confirmed, all in Southern California. One was in Ventura County; three others were in San Diego County.
The patients ages ranged from 2 to 13 years old.
More instances of the disease were expected as results from lab tests come back, the California Department of Public Health said in announcing the cases.
Hospital tells children to stay away
Dr. Adam McCall says, “A hospital is a place for sick people, and sick people typically have immune systems that are not working well, and so what we want to do is make sure that kids that could potentially carry this virus are not bringing the virus inside the hospital.”
What's the best way to take andrographis for entrovirus'? Would tincture be good, and can I take it with chaparral?
Andrographis can be taken with chaparral.
But I am not a big fan of tinctures. They are really over hyped. They are more costly and beneficial insoluble compounds are lost. In addition the alcohol can react with some plant compounds altering their chemistry and even reducing or nullifying the effects of the herb. And contrary to popular belief, tinctures DO NOT have an indefinite shelf life. There shelf life is actually about the same as for cut or powdered herbs, averaging about 5 years. For these reasons I really prefer powders or capsules for most herbs.
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