Re: Polio-like illness found in five California children
Call it what it is----POLIO. POLIO is an umbrella word for the many different names given to the disease back in the 1950's when the Salk Vaccine failed. Polio now hides behind these names:
-Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP)lots of cases of this disease in India, Pakistan, Syria, Nigeria-everywhere the WHO and The Gates Foundation goes in and vaccinates.
*India to get polio-free status amid rise in acute flaccid paralysis cases caused by polio vaccine:
(In the past 13 months, India has reported 53,563 cases of NPAFP at a national rate of 12 per 100,000 children—way above the global benchmark set by WHO of 2 per 100,000. WHO data indicate NPAFP cases have been increasing steadily since 2003, when the number was at 8,000.)
*Study: Polio vaccine campaign in India has caused 12-fold increase in deadly paralysis condition:
*78 percent of Pakistani children with polio were given polio vaccines:
*Polio Surges in Nigeria:
*Polio Confirmed in Syria:
-Transverse Myelitis
-Viral or aseptic meningitis
-Guillaine Barre Syndrome (GBS)
-Chinese Paralytic syndrome
-Epidemic cholera
-Cholera morbus
-Spinal meningitis
-Spinal apoplexy
-Inhibitory palsy
-Intermittent fever
-Famine fever
-Worm fever
-Bilious remittent fever
-Post-polio syndrome-synonyms for GBS
All of these CNS diseases are clinically indistinguishable from polio.
Also, it had been scientifically established that pesticides can cause all of the above disorders-specifically DDT.
Polio has not been eradicated, it's being ignored by the medical community in order to hide the 50 plus year lie that the Polio Vaccines were safe and effective and most of all-the vaccine eradicated Polio. There has always been controversy among real scientist that had no financial interest in the vaccine if a Polio Virus existed at all.
Dr. Stefan Lanka Exposes The "Viral Fraud":
The "isolated" polio viruses are artificial particles, generated by suction of an indifferent mass through a very fine filter into a vacuum. Its structure (no characteristic structures) differ clearly from the ones of the "viruses" in the cells. Here the information is essential that a biochemical characterization of those "isolated" viruses, although "isolation" is claimed, has never been published anywhere nor has anybody even claimed such a characterization. Dr. Stefan Lanka.
Lanka's image of the Polio Virus (on site), if not polio than this gives credence to the environmental cause of Polio such as Pesticides.
"In 1983, via new legislation, DDT was allowed back into the U.S. marketplace, but only in pesticide blends. Within only a few months of this re-entry, a new kind of polio epidemic suddenly occurred. It was labelled "post-polio", the re-emergence of polio symptoms in former victims. This has involved approximately 600,000 victims."--Jim West
My concern is because of the Polio Myth that has been perpetuated for 5 decades will these 5 children as well as others who are exhibiting the same symptoms be treated appropriately or will they be miss-treated because the government and medical community doesn't want to give the impression that these children and other actually have Polio and that they have been lying for decades.