Re: New Treatment plan... need input
if you are sensitive ( that is prone to anxiety with any chelation) be careful with IV thereapy. This is a more aggressive way to go.
I know. Years ago, I had all my amalgums removed and replaced with a non-mercury filling.
Than I proceeded to have, and IV-push (10 minute chelation)
About 30 minutes later I had a horrific anxiety attack that lasted for several hours, had to take a valium.
So, I later went to an oral capsule chelator for the mercury, in which I took one cap a day for over 30 days. This worked fine, no harsh side effects. I beleived it had DMPS in it. This also chelates all the other minerals too, so I had to take a good rounded multi-mineral suppliment daily. Also, I did this when I was in a not so severe stage of adrenal fatigue, I don't think I could do it now, as my AF is pretty bad still.
I believe the product "Cardio-Clear" is a good oral chelator too. But, still have to use with caution and do it very slowly.