Blog: 21 day Breuss drinks and superfoods
by lilly1

day 8 pleasure from food or other

things we love more than food

Date:   6/4/2007 10:50:28 AM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2598 times

I am feeling lighter every day. And there is a little gap between my upper thighs now. It is incredible what a difference in body confidence a week can make. I guess, I have a tendency to always be on the border of slim and a little sluggish, never thin or heavy. There is a fine balance and I'm glad that I'm not too far from it. So, for all those who are further from it- try to get there and you'll have an easy time falling back into place when a little off.
But for me it's still a 10- 15lb fluctuation. My goal is at most a 5 lb range from the balance point. I guess, that'll happen once my organs and glands are healing more. I definitely know why I fluctuate that much though- yummy honey. Sometimes I get so out of control and make these yummy raw honey drinks, like almond milk and lemon and honey shake all day long,big scoops of honey, like 5 or more drinks. Basically, I am a pleasure oriented person. I've always liked cookies and chocolate and french breakfast. I would literally look forward to it. I never became overweight because I otherwise ate very healthy. My mom and dad were very slim and health conscious. No soft drinks or chocolate spread in our kitchen!
Now I am very healthconscious myself as you can see with my raw honey vice. But my goal is to refocus my primary pleasure sources. Like feeling great could be one, or loving conections with others or sitting cozy on the couch and reading, or great sex(-; Of course it will have to feel as good otherwise it won't win over food.
I love swimming in a warm ocean and sitting in natural hot springs and organic farms with lots of animals more than food! When I'm in such places I forget to eat!!! The goal is to find out what I love more than food and feed myself with that so there is no void to fill by eating.

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Comments (15 of 21):
Great Job Girl katiemarie 17 y
Re: Supplements or… lilly… 17 y
Supplements or not katiem… 17 y
Stay Strong! vegeymom 17 y
Hello vegeymom 17 y
Re: Why not 42? lilly1 17 y
Why not 42? nesika 17 y
Re: breuss lilly1 17 y
Re: capsules lilly1 17 y
capsules smooch 17 y
Re: breuss smooch 17 y
Re: Suggestions lilly1 17 y
Suggestions Chance3 17 y
Re: breuss lilly1 17 y
breuss smooch 17 y
All Comments (21)

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