Blog: 21 day Breuss drinks and superfoods
by lilly1

getting more info on Breuss cure

setting the stage for the Breuss cure

Date:   5/10/2007 4:09:53 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2241 times

I haven't abandoned my blog. I'm still waiting on my kidney tea herbs to come in the mail. Up to now I'm still having the greens in a smoothie with the alkalinizing drink and I also had some freshly made green juice yesterday. At the moment I am still contemplating doing the Breuss cure more accurately. Not that my plan now isn't sth. to go with but it is on my mind to try that.
Today I called the nr. I found in the back of my Breuss book. It's a place in Canada. And I spoke to the man who edited the book and wrote the foreword. He said that he never actually realized his plan of creating a Breuss clinic but will answer any questions I have reg. the fast. Well he told me to add a quarter cup of sauerkraut juice to my beet etc. juice every day since it works in synergy with the lactic acid. Good for me because I make my own saltless sauerkraut which produces juice, too. He also said that I could take phsyllium and bentonite to keep my bowels moving throughout the fast. It wouldn't interfere with the process since protein is what you are really avoiding in this case. The Breuss book describes why- cancer lives on protein and when you don't give it any it turns to the cancer growths and other cysts ...and breakes it up, selfdigests it like surgery without a knife. very interesting-I get such a kick learning these things(: I guess that's why I'm here now....
For now I'm still doing what I outlined in my last letter.
I will update again once I have all the teas and am set to go to the next level of commitment. I think the bentonite and phsyllium will make it easier to fast, without too much hunger- we'll see.

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Comments (15 of 21):
Great Job Girl katiemarie 17 y
Re: Supplements or… lilly… 17 y
Supplements or not katiem… 17 y
Stay Strong! vegeymom 17 y
Hello vegeymom 17 y
Re: Why not 42? lilly1 17 y
Why not 42? nesika 17 y
Re: breuss lilly1 17 y
Re: capsules lilly1 17 y
capsules smooch 17 y
Re: breuss smooch 17 y
Re: Suggestions lilly1 17 y
Suggestions Chance3 17 y
Re: breuss lilly1 17 y
breuss smooch 17 y
All Comments (21)

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