Thanks, I've also checked in the CAFL/NCFL, but thought those freqs were too generic.
Re: Crohn's, according to Newport's scripts, I can see at least 2 that include it in the description:
# ParaTb: Cause of Johne’s disease in animals; likely cause of Crohn’s disease in humans# present in milk can survive pasteurization
# Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis
I also wonder if varicose veins are linked with hemorrhoids with regards to their possible pathogenesis?
What you describe is most likely an external hemorrhoid. This is essentially a vein, the wall of which has weakened resulting in a protrusion forming in the lining of the vein. When this happens, blood that normally circulates smoothly through a tubular shape encounters the abnormal cavity. At this point it is called a thrombosed external hemorrhoid.
In this cavity, the blood can begin to circulate, akin to a pool and coagulate forming a blood clot. When this happens, the asymetrical bump you describe becomes pressurized with blood from the clot. This is a painful condition because the area is filled with pain receptive nerve endings.
Thrombosed external hemorrhoids can, over a period of weeks, resolve the clot on their own. However, during this time, you should treat it with conservative measures such as sitz baths.
The rubber band treatment you asked about is called rubber band ligation and is typically used for internal hemorrhoids. You have the option of having your external hemorrhoid surgically cut and the clot extracted, although after a few days, most doctors will recommend the conservative approach. As a last resort, an external hemorrhoidectomy can be performed.
Preparation-H is a temporary symptom relieving product and will do nothing to alleviate the condition long term, although will help with pain and a bit of the inflammation.
There are lots of approaches to dealing with this. Educating yourself about the condition and the treatment options is your best bet. Visit my site at: Hemorrhoid Treatment Answers for detailed information on all aspects of this condition.
I just try natural hemroids treatment from Hemorrhoid Miracle.
Now, I not worriy again with my hemroids. It Efectively to cure hemroids.
Try brewing a bag of black tea for 5 mins. Let the tea bag cool to where it is warm enough to compress against your hemorrhoid. That should help it shrink within 1-2 days back to normal
If you are looking for a permanent solution your can try a hemorrhoid banding procedure. You can also read more hemorrhoid treatments at Hemorrhoid News
hi John,
i suspect your case to be external hemorrhoids. you should consult a doctor to have a peace of mind.
i used to suffer from hemorrhoids too and i understand that finiding a doctor could be quite embarassing but if you tried other methods but doesn't work do consult a doctor. even if its not hemorrhoids you know whats going on with your own body. Your health should be top priority.
Yes it is likely you have internal hemorroids that extend externally as they grow. That is really the most common and why many people do not know they have them until the see blood. You may be experiencing some bleeding by now. There are several things to help resolve this. do you sit a lot during the day, the added pressure all day can keep them from healing. A diet change to include more raw fruit and vegetables and doubling your fiber intake with make your stool much softer and which will also aid in healing. There are a few other things that can help also. How is your weight, might that be a problem which puts a lot of pressure in the anus? If you are already doing these things let me know, that may be some additional things to try. It is always a good idea to make sure by seeing your physician. Worring about what is happening to your body can be stressful.
Thanks so much Gary and also thanks JAB. I put your info together with what I already had for hemorrhoid remedies to create a new article which I will post here shortly.
I had a bout with 1 external and it is gone completely BUT could return right....
ALSO I know external was caused from an internal being close to the anus and my anus muscle kept the inner irritated and all the tissue swelled - thus creating my first and only outer hemeroid - which was quite painful....
I simply had to let it heal... Sounds like your external is different..but thought I would put in my 2 cents
had to use the donut pillow even sleeping and yes I used preparation H a no-no but I wanted a quick relief which it provided.
I have found that if I eat a salad (not iceberg lettuce) with fresh grown sprouts - one helping daily it keeps my inners moving quite well and little pressure coming out with fast exiting time - healing even inner H's some what... I have had inner H's for over 20 years ... off and on...
So then - eat stuff that keeps the waste moving but gentle on your pipes
do not sit long - One min max on the toilet as well as don't sit up right - sit leaning forward so pressure is off the anus. you can also push with out pushing on the anus. The idea is to quit agrivating the problem so that the body can heal itself..
Will it work - I suspect if you work on it and listen to your body - it will tell you what you need - and with your cooperation it will heal..
Good luck and be well
"So then - eat stuff that keeps the waste moving but gentle on your pipes"
Thank you for the information, i know it will help a lot of people out there who are facing Hemorrhoid problems.
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