I had a bout with 1 external and it is gone completely BUT could return right....
ALSO I know external was caused from an internal being close to the anus and my anus muscle kept the inner irritated and all the tissue swelled - thus creating my first and only outer hemeroid - which was quite painful....
I simply had to let it heal... Sounds like your external is different..but thought I would put in my 2 cents
had to use the donut pillow even sleeping and yes I used preparation H a no-no but I wanted a quick relief which it provided.
I have found that if I eat a salad (not iceberg lettuce) with fresh grown sprouts - one helping daily it keeps my inners moving quite well and little pressure coming out with fast exiting time - healing even inner H's some what... I have had inner H's for over 20 years ... off and on...
So then - eat stuff that keeps the waste moving but gentle on your pipes
do not sit long - One min max on the toilet as well as don't sit up right - sit leaning forward so pressure is off the anus. you can also push with out pushing on the anus. The idea is to quit agrivating the problem so that the body can heal itself..
Will it work - I suspect if you work on it and listen to your body - it will tell you what you need - and with your cooperation it will heal..
Good luck and be well
"So then - eat stuff that keeps the waste moving but gentle on your pipes"
Thank you for the information, i know it will help a lot of people out there who are facing Hemorrhoid problems.