Diet help
I am a 25 y/o female who is approx 15
pounds underweight due to a myriad of health issues:
-Candidiasis and dysbyosis
-Severe Heavy Metal Toxicities
-GI issues (IBS-Constipation/IBD, GERD, GASTROPARESIS!!!!, bloating, gas, cramps, rectal prolapse/hemorroids, mucus and digested food in stool,
food intolerances to most foods like gluten, dairy, gluten, most grains, fermented foods and yeast, fruit/fructose/sugars....)
-Hormonal and neurotransmitter imbalances
-Adrenal Fatigue and HypOthyroidism
-Poly-Vagal Nervous System Dysfunction and Polarity Switch
-Anxiety, depression, PTSD
-Osteoporosis, acne, brittle hair...
The list goes on and on.
I am currently seeing a Chiro who is doing Emotional NAET to heal past trauma issues and I am going to start
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement therapy to help start the cleansing process (and I will be taking Chlorella and Citrus Pectin with
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement in order to help soak up the toxins). After
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , I will begin some sort of heavy metal detox, either thru IV-EDTA chelation or through homeopathy/supplements or a combo of both. I will also do candida and liver homeopathic cleanses.
I cannot digest food unless I take HCl and digestive enzymes... but even those don't fully help with my GI issues, especially the gastroparesis and GERD and extreme fullness.
Here is what I currently eat every day (approx 1500 cals, 45g fat (28%), 140g carbs (37%) , 130g (35%) protein, 23g fiber)...I know I need more cals, but with my GI issues, I'm lucky to be able to fit in this much!
1. 4oz homemade greens juice (cucumber, spinach, celery, cilantro...)
1 Food for Life Brown Rice Tortilla
1 TB organic almond butter + 2 TB Rice Protein powder (I mix this with a bit of water to make a protein-packed spread)
2. Food for Life brown rice tortilla
3oz chicken breast
1/2c steamed veggies, romaine, carrots (I put the chicken and veggies in the wrap)
3. brown rice cake + 1 TB almond butter + 2 TB nutribiotics brown rice protein powder
4. Same as meal 2
5. 2 jumbo soft boiled eggs + 4oz green juice
My Chiro’s plan for me is this:
-NAET for emotional trauma
-MMS + chlorella and pectin
-IV EDTA to further help with the meal removal
-homeopathic yeast killers and metal chelators
-rebuilding the body, supporting the glands/liver/flora
I have developed a major aversion to the taste, smell, and texture of meat. I used to be vegan until about 5 years ago b/c I developed allergies to soy and gluten. I would love to be vegan again (for I felt my healthiest), but am not sure how to do so healthfully and without losing wt. I basically just want to eat a healing diet that will help me be strong and athletic again (I used to do all sorts of sports, but my health deteriorated to the point that I cant even work now).
I have to puree the chicken and veggies b/c I cannot digest them.
I used a good amount of kelp/dulse, and a smidge of cayenne/black pepper in 2 of my meals.
Any suggestions you can offer would be SO appreciated. I have tried to find a dietician/nutritionist/alternative doctor to help me with diet, but no one is willing to help, besides throwing a pre-made diet plan at me full of foods that are either not very healing and/or I'm allergic to.
If you could provide me with suggestions of a list of healing foods to eat, meal/snack suggestions, and a good amount of cals, protein/carbs/fats to shoot for, that would be SO helpful!!! What are good ratios/percentages to shoot for in terms of macronutrients to ensure I am eating balanced?
Thanks SO SO SO Much!!!!