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Re: Diet help
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Re: Diet help

wake up in the a.m. and take as hot a bath as you can stand with 1-2 pints of 3% hydrogen peroxide found at the drugstore. get yourself a water filter for the bath water. add in also large box of kosher salt/sea salt optionally and optionally 1-8 cups of Epsom Salts .

follow a vata pacifying diet as your symptoms and cfs is a vata disorder. google various sites for 'vata pacifying diet'

do not use mms. it is poison. though some people are possibly having good results with it, people also survive cancer with chemo but it is still poison.

stay away from edta, if you are mercury toxic this can make things a whole lot worse. i would lay off the chelation for a bit until you get your diet down and stop the downward spiral.

once you have enough sodium in your body start to do gentle saunas with a steam sauna or fir sauna, but not until you are properly hydrated and taking in enough dietary sodium.

avoid all stimulants such as caffeine, avoid alcohol, sugar.

the vata pacifying diet will help your digestion with all of the spices like ginger, cumin, turmeric, fennel, fenugreek, garlic.

be very careful of the homeopathic heavy metal remedies asthese can be stronger than chemical chelators.

naet doesn't seem like it's going to do a whole lot for you but it is worth a try. very expensive. if it were me i'd put the money into quality foods.

your current diet seems pretty dry.

also add in a self oil massage of cold pressed sesame 1-2x a day.

cook your foods in ghee or yogurt. avoid most raw foods.

all of yout symptoms fall classically into a vata disturbance with the joints, nervous system, gas, dryness and weight loss.

do not beans at all.

instead of hard boiled eggs look into making your own mayonnaise or aioli with a good quality oil.

cook all of your vegetables until they are butter soft. stay away from brassica family; this is all listed in the vata pacify guidelines.

make frequent hot tea with ginger cumin and fennel. do not drink or eat anything cold.

i would reconsider the fruit and try to experiment with ripe fruits like grapefruit, berries, or anything sweet like oranges, papayas, mangos, pineapples, try cooking them or stewing them. if you are still reactive then forego them and listen to your body.

keep avoiding all fermented foods. add in raw beet juice or cooked beets into the diet. stay away from all dry foods, everything should be warm and cooked well and with fat or oil.

try some high quality kefir.

for dairy try boiling milk first to see if you can tolerate that.

if you can't eat meat then perhaps dairy will help you gain some weight, stay with only soft cheeses.

additional fats should help you gain some weight. try basmati rice instead of brown rice and add ghee/salt to it. look up a recipe for basic kichadi.

you will want to increase your fat/oil intake with ghee, sesame oil, or any other oil that you like.



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