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need help to get rid of fluid build up in cancer
  Views: 7,141
Published: 15 y

need help to get rid of fluid build up in cancer

Does any one know of a natural cure for getting rid of the fluid build up ( I think they call it ascites) from cancer?
I have had intravenous chelation, B17, I have also had electromagnectic, ozone and oxegen treatment (hypobaric chamber). Since the treatment was integrative I took one course of chemotherapy but it was a devastating experience and I have not had any more since then. AfFter more than a month the vein through which the chemotherapy was given is still dark and sore to the touch.
Recently I have noticed that my abdomen is getting bigger and know that it is the fluid since that is what alerted me that I had cancer in the first place.
I really do not want to do anymore chemo. Is there something else that I can do, maybe some herb that I can take that would get rid of the fluid. I have also altered my diet drastically but am having problems finding enough organic fruit and vegetables where I live.


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