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Re: Diet help
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Re: Diet help

metal poisoning and vegan is a tough combination. i think there are some geniuses out there who managed to figure it out but it's not easy.

i would try raw milk and boiled milk. pasteurized milk is a big problem. a lot of people who think they are dairy intolerant are able to handle raw dairy due to the intact enzymes. i used to get terrible diarrhea from store bought milk and was amazed when i had raw milk. boiled milk also works because all of the protein is completely broken down. if it doesn't work then so be it, but keep an open mind and try it once, you might be surprised. i was amazed also that i could tolerate boiled pasteurized milk when my reactions to it unboiled were pretty severe.

it sounds like you have tried a lot, but there is still a lot out there. mms will likely make you worse but good luck when you do it.

have you done any liver flushes? or peroxide baths?

how about seafood?

eggs are good enough if you can do well with them.

don't overthink the percentages, i think this is how people get into trouble in the first place, just do what feels right. if you have a complete aversion to fats/oils then don't do it, if you like some or a lot then go with what your body says.

mms is a chlorine based oxygen supplement. most people into health are trying to AVOID chlorine. there are much better and safer ways to get oxygen into your system like green juices, peroxide, ozone, donsbach's stabilized oxygen, homozon and its variants like Oxypowder , pranayama, walking on a mountain top, hyperbaric oxygen chamber to name a few.

maybe try getting some NAC at the health food store to help with the metals. i assume you had your fillings removed already?

here is the formula for protein...

(How much grams/percentage of carbs? Protein?)

when you are hungry for carbs eat carbs, when you are hungry for protein eat protein. the only problem with beans and vata is that they will dry you out. but if they are cooked butter soft with added fat like ghee they aren't too bad. or add a side of guacamole or sour cream.

the ayurvedic suggestions i made act in their own system of reality/science. give it a try first and see if it works for you.

warm spiced moist or oily foods, sour and sweet ripe fruits, nothing dry, extra salt and fat, warm cooked grains, no dry grains like rye, millet, brown rice.



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