i am NOT one of "few" women who would turn to a jamu stick (which are NOT just for the benefit of a man, those are only the out-dated writings that accompany the product, HOWEVER if any woman wanted to use it for that reason, u may have bitterness towards men but that is up to a woman and herself alone) jamu stick use is a tradition passed down from woman to woman in other countries ...but unfortunately that doesn't mean it's safe (for bartholin's cysts, which you have no experience with and therefore shouldn't speak on, it could have been a way of holding delivering/holding medicinal herbs, but unfortunately it turned out to be dangerous due to its potential to unexpectedly fuse inside), so i wanted to post, in hopes that at least some women considering using this might look it up first and find my warning ...that is NOT just putting my business out there (and if it is, if it spares one woman from what happened to me then so be it).
my post was for women interested in jamu sticks, u were not so please just ignore my post...