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clothing new and old infected new here please help
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Published: 15 y

clothing new and old infected new here please help

Hi ,

I am new here. Thanks for all the valuable information I have found. I have had Morgellons for 5-6 years. I just recently figured out what was wrong ( no fibers emerging just bites and fibers in environment threw me off until I got really sick.) I have been doing protocols that are helping.

I was wondering if anyone can help with my clothes. I am terrified about this really. I can not get them out of my clothes. They look like my hair, frayed fibers, moving. I have been able to stop the cacoons, fuzz balls, spores. They bite me sometimes bad and others not at all ( same clothes ). I wipe out the washer, dryer every time with enzymes, use baking soda, citric acid , and natural detergent. Have tried Bonner's as well. I just started borax again also. It helped with lint from towels but they never bite or spew morges. Neither do my sheets. Never. I am guessing clorox.

I recently started with the washing down the machines and thought well I will buy new clothes. This is why I am terrified. All had Morgellons. Fibers frayed, knots, standing straight up... Abercrombie ( the shorts threw out a fuzz ball on my hand and bit my wrist in the first hour )and J. Crew. I never shop here but I also ordered 2 bras from Victoria Secret. My good ones were in shreds. Both infected. I wore one just because I doubted myself, and got bit. Here is the bad part. I googled Victoria secret bra bites or something. There was a class action lawsuit in 2008. Never went forward, lack of evidence, because they thought it was an allergy to formaldehyde. I sent the documents regarding the bio-worm ( I did not call it that ha ha ) fabric from Dartmouth to the lawyers. Meanwhile what do I do? I have to wear something. If I put DE in my jeans and lint roll it helps but the constant reinfection, do I stand a chance. I do not see it discussed that much so some people must have found solutions. What I am doing wrong?

Thanks for any suggestions and mostly for taking the time to read this very long post for which I apologize.



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