I have had tinnitus for years and years. I have tried several things, even written an article about the most popular remedies, but nothing really worked that great for me UNTIL I saw the following article and noticed where someone on Rumor Mill News commented that they were amazed to find that the exercise at the end of the article worked great. So I tried it, and was just stunned to find that it worked. I mean, I have not been without ringing in my ears for years now until I did the exercise. And, since I posted a link to the article on FB, others are commenting that it works for them too! Hooray!!!
The eight best home remedies and holistic treatments to relieve tinnitus and ringing in the ears
(NaturalNews) Tinnitus is an annoying condition affecting the ears, which can seriously diminish a person's hearing. A multitude of distracting sounds such as ringing, hissing and buzzing can be heard which are often maddening and interfere with daily life. Tinnitus often develops after exposure to loud noise, ear infections or injuries affecting nerve endings. Conventional medicine has no cure; however, there are certain holistic and natural treatments for tinnitus, as well as home remedies, that can alleviate its effects, making it easier to hear.
The rest of the article, including the simple exercise:
Water Pic, hydrogen peroxide, and rubbing alcohol. Fill water pick with warm water (not hot!) and a splash of the hydrogen peroxide. Put a cup under ear to catch the water mixture. Turn the Water Pic on the lowest setting and then squirt in the ear, slowly turning up the setting. This may be a bit uncomfortable, and caution should be used in not turning the setting too high or you could damage or even rupture your ear drum. After you have removed the wax (you will likely be surprised at how much comes out), rinse the ear with plain water, drain and then put a couple of drops of alcohol in each ear to dry out.
Absolutely right Ruth1. What a load of undiluted bunkum some people peddle on this forum in the name of altmed. Do your research ppl. Not everything in this group is kosher just coz it comes under the 'alternative' label. Just as well it seems to be dying a 'natural' death - pun intended.
There is far too much scammy material here for the unwary and gullible. Iodine for cancer? Hulda Clark? Please.
The problem started several months ago. It was at a mild level. It started after I was using some headphones with YouTube videos. Since then I have learned that there is a correlation between the problem and headphones.
What took care of the problem was reflexology. Press hard all along the area of the foot where the foot pad meets the stems of the last two toes on the foot. Rub back-and-forth and finger walk along that area for at least a minute.
If the problem starts up again, just repeat the procedure and then an hour or two it will be gone. you may have to do this every day. Of course to both feet.
Anyway it worked for me. Hope it helps.
I've had tinnitus for so long (about 50 years) that it's almost like background noise, I'm used to it, though it is aggravating. Aspirin is sometimes supposed to initiate tinnitus and I do use aspirin, but have gone off of it for several weeks and never had the ringing even slow down. My ringing does rise and fall in volume and while I can't pinpoint everything, there are a couple of triggers. I'm not a heavy drinker, but alcohol will often turn the volume way up. That doesn't happen until the day after, but I know it's related. I have one or two martinis on the weekend, and that's all it takes. I have gone without alcohol for several months and that calmed the tinnitus way down. Enough to quit? Not really. Another thing I've noticed that precedes an increase in volume is stress. If I get really stressed out, that will bring it on too. I'm a meditator so I have ways to deal with stress.
My tinnitus has been backing off over the past three or four weeks, noticeably. About 4 weeks ago I started using a Neti pot for my sinuses - at the suggestion of my doctor, and am leaning to that as to what is helping it. When I had my sinus infection before I began using the Net pot, the ringing was about driving me up the wall and the doc said that it was because my sinus cavities were plugged which caused a major echo. With my sinuses cleared, the ringing is much better. Doing nasal irrigation three and sometimes more times a day it took several days for my sinuses to clear out. Now that they are clear I do the Neti pot daily, per her suggestion. (I have a history of sinus problems.)
Could really use with some advice or help right now I honestly feel like I’m falling apart and I just don’t know what else I can do or try, these could all be completely separate issues and not linked. In anyway I’ve had so many tests (NHS luckily) but no luck and doctors now just think I’ve lost the plot, I’m 25 Male eat healthy and had no problems till all this started
A brief history/Timeline
- 4 years ago it started with bad fatigue heart palps after meals, bad concentration, Ibs symptoms and memory and low sex drive/impotence, I had diabetes tests, glucose tolerance tests at hospital and all the blood tests they could think of and came back fine, they said reactive hypogelcmia but my blood sugar didn’t go low enough to diagnose it.
- 1 year ago while all these above symptoms were still present I woke up one morning with muffled hearing very bad tinnitus and sensitivity to sounds which hasn’t got any better since it happened, drs have done hearing tests and speech tests and both are execellent 🙄
Also I started having some very intense sharp instestine pain which has stayed with me ever since, it’s constant every single day sharp ,burning stabbing. They took a stool sample and said my stomach was very inflamed but Colonoscopy, MRI and CT all back fine.
Over the years I’ve tried just about every supplement, diet advice honestly just about anything I read online or dr said witn no help at all.
I’m sorry if this is poorly written I’m just at the end of my tether now really struggling and if anyone could think of anything that could be of help please let me know.
Many thanks Apple
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