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Re: Try ear candles, they work very well..................
Ruth1 Views: 48,194
Published: 12 y
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Re: Try ear candles, they work very well..................

Sorry, no, ear candling doesn't work. I have to admit it feels great though, but has no health benefit other than the warm air may relieve an earache, depending on what caused it. I'm a massage therapist. The chiropractor I worked for at the time wanted me to get "Trained" in ear candling; like a high school drop out can't do it. People were scamming people for $60 a pop to come to your home to do something that takes 1/2 hour and you can do it yourself anyway. I think she was planning on charging $30 a treatment in her office. We got this literature and a big spiel about how it sucks toxins and heavy metals out of your body while drawing out the ear wax. I made an appointment with this guy to come to her office to give me a treatment. He gave me the same spiel about drawing out toxins in the ear wax that is sucked out of the ear, but I didn’t buy it in the first place. We bought some supplies and practiced on each other, then just burned down a few candles without putting them in our ears. Those spent candles looked identical to the ones we burned in our ears. Yes, the wax inside is from the candle and not from ear wax. Besides, ear wax is darker and softer. To top it off, I had told the person who came to the chiropractor’s office to do the ear candling on me that I wanted to see what it was like because the chiropractor wanted me to learn how to do it so we could offer it in her office. He called the chiropractor the next day offering his services for hire to do ear candling in her office!! The nerve of some people, but that’s the kind of unscrupulous behavior you get from snake oil salesmen. We never offered ear candling in our office because we decided that there were real beneficial services people needed instead and we didn’t feel right taking patients’ money for fraudulent purposes. We also advised people not to waste their money.


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