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Send Private Message To TWLIGHTOF MORTALS    
The days I wonder, the nights I ponder, and time is running out.
I saw restrictions of mortal lifespan, and hurled the lance beyond.

The stone that’s bleeding, the rock that’s breathing, the war that’s in our blood.
Rapid formations, and celebrations, my Universe shall march.

Through love of a labour, one law to follow, until the day is done
We take our places amongst the mortals, but soon the day is done.

My homepages and my Blogs: 
My Favorite Forums
I also enjoy hanging out in Universe B!

Visions of a bleak future world
What have we left that we see
Unholy pylons stretch across black deserts
Mankind’s reward for his greed

Through all atrocities and wickedness and strife
We’ll find the meaning and the goodness in this life

Love is stronger than death
Down to my first breath
Strange aeons
Even death will die

For eternity
For eternity
For eternity

A pre-upheaval migration came
Dreamers that dream the same dream
Underpopulated regions where we live
Universe B can be seen

And paper money means nothing here
Far from the worker be speech ???
The colony partied all through the night
While the last battle raged

Through all atrocities and wickedness and strife
We’ll find the meaning and the goodness in this life

Love is stronger than death
Down to my first breath
Strange aeons
Even death will die 
My Favorite Blogs
Also of interest:

Thomas Malthus Eugenics are alive and kicking
Nutrients and vitamins extract from edible goods
Legislate, sick populations - a higher rate of mortality
Food code (as it’s known) Codex Alimentarius

Thin the herd, thin the herd, the great cull is coming down...

Develop virus market cure - exploit the panic
Contaminate by guile and stealth - a quick strum of the harp
Depopulate initiate - pharmaceutical companies
All fall down, all fall down, Codex Alimentarius

Thin the herd, thin the herd, the great cull is coming down...

Most of us must die...

Instigate wars in population density centres
Maintain population below 500 million

Immunise, irradiate, deregulate all toxins
Monsanto feed, Monsanto seed - all the bees are dying
Depopulation in every nation, follow the food code
All fall down, all fall down, Codex Alimentarius

Thin the herd, thin the herd, the great cull is coming down...


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