Re: Jesus committed the ultimate sin
You are right that there are people (both male and female) who are unjust and sinister (unfortunately, there always will be unjust people ON THIS EARTH in "this life"). Whether you want to call them "sluts", "whores", killers", "slugs", "low lifes", "slimebuckets" or predators (out to get "a piece of you") is not the point,...what makes a person Christian is how they react to adversity. If that person just simply reacts to the adversity by becoming a bitter person (with anger), they are simply NOT giving anything from their heart in order to redeem any part of humanity. God gave something from His heart in order to redeem humanity (His Son), but as long as we choose to simply react to adversity by being bitter and thinking unkindly of others, regardless of whether or not we had any part in the outcome that we must "endure" (or would you rather "suffer" through it?), what matters to The Lord is that we are simply making NO EFFORT at all to do likewise and be "redemptive" to our fellow human beings (we are IN EFFECT, mocking redemption, we are being "ingrates"). We must accept the responsibilty for what we've done (or carelessly didn't do) instead of just recklessly being disrespectful to humanity. Of course The Lord recognizes that there is injustice in the world, and He wants us to be wise enough to take notice that there is injustice, otherwise SORROW compassion (TRUE compassion) would not be possible (turn your laughter to tears, James 4:9, John 7:38-RIVERS mixed with Christ's blood at the cross, what I'm telling you now is not information that you will find in the institutions of Christianity,...since it is indisputable, they will agree once you explain it to them, but, otherwise, they only speculate about the meaning of the water at the cross). What The Lord has waiting for us in the afterlife is up to Him (only HIS providence), but it is each person's choice to have His kingdom within us and our fitness for His afterlife will show.
I too, wish the world were a better place. The more the "heart of God" your mind/heart is accustomed to (the more you grew up with or learned sorrow), the easier it is to get upset and be disappointed with discrepancies, disorder, untruth, etc. ("I am the way, THE TRUTH,..." John 14:6), but the reality of THIS WORLD is based on chaos and confusion.
The INSTITUTIONAL churches "INTERPRET" scripture in many ways that intimidate and crush the human soul and cause people to FEAR God and compete aggressively AGAINST (not "with" as in a sport) their fellow human being. TRUE Christianity is a LOVE, not a FAITH (1 Corinthians 13:13, what is the greatest of these? of course trusting faith should be borne out of love, but God is LOVE, not mere faith). Do not believe in INTERPRETATIONS (they crush you 79513), do not become "bitter" and hate/resent, but simply "endure" (not resentfully "SUFFER") your ordeals (The Lord is teaching you endurance and suffrage, but you can only learn IF you choose to be a good student of HIS,'re not being offered a choice. HE is God).