Re: Jesus committed the ultimate sin
I fully recognize that 79513 likes the idea of fathers being good parents, but just as I heard a divorced PARENT (this was a "MAN" of the household) brag about "surviving/enduring" his divorce as though he was a victim of it, I'd like 79513 to very well that Christianity does not simply consist of those who never had a care in the world and have no trouble accepting people like him. I know what his children will have to grow up with. Collectively, I am one of his victims (The Lord has taught me well and I can be forgiving, but it is also my fellow human being who are victims...).
I will give of myself that he may stand beside me in The Body of My Lord, but he has to stop whining first. He has been on this forum for quite some time and he mocks all those who have suffered. His refusal to be humble and simply accept the outcome of his irresponsibility does not just make him unfit for a personal relationship with The Lord, it is gross disrespect to the human race. I know bad things happen, but he could keep it to himself instead of reach out for sympathy,...BECAUSE HE IS THE PERPETRATOR. Yeah, it would be considerate of the victims not to solicit sympathy. Take it like a man, dad.
Welcome to Christianity, 79513.