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Re: Jesus committed the ultimate sin
been there done that Views: 3,152
Published: 18 y
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Re: Jesus committed the ultimate sin


If you think/feel that you are justified in thinking badly about women, why did you marry one? Is the real reason you are upset that YOU are the cause of your own troubles and just rather blame your troubles on someone else? You aren't preparing to call your own children defective, are you?

Are you mad because your parents let you marry too young and just need to get mad at the whole world?. How can you justify getting mad at WOMEN when it is only one woman that was married to you (and is now caring for your children)? How far does your anger/hate/resentment go? the ends of the earth?

But the most amazing thing is,...How could you possibly think that your anger/hatred is approved by God?

Do you really read the bible or do you just happen to know a few verses that you find convenient?

You are in the mess you're in because YOU decided to get married when actually YOU weren't ready to share your life with a woman OR properly care for children. ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY for what you have done and what you have failed to as your responsibilities. I am a child of divorced parents. There are many more of us than you would like to think. If you are shopping for sympathy, let me burst your bubble, YOU ARE IN THE WRONG UNIVERSE, it's just not going to happen. So, either get over it now or live your life in despair. You have forsaken a sacred contract between man and wife, and worse yet, you have decided to pay GRUDGINGLY for the care of the children that came from your decision to get married. When 2 people get married and then divorce, that's between them and The Lord (Moses was allowed to issue certificates of divorce), but when the people have children before the divorce, I would imagine The Lord takes into account lives and happiness of the children. The marriage partners have become PARENTS, they are no longer SIMPLY marriage partners. Wouldn't you like it if your children spoke well of you to God? Give them reason.

In the past year, The Lord has taught me to resist the temptation to think "badly" of divorced parents who forsake their children no matter how many horror stories I hear about the children's lives. It's better for you that The Lord is the judge,...I grow numb to your cries.

You'll get more mercy from God than you will from me,...DEAR OLD DAD!



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