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Re: Of course!
sans sucre Views: 3,159
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 908,023

Re: Of course!

You don't "recognize" children fathered by you if you have no say in how they are raised? Well, whether or not you "recognize" them, they are still of you, your blood, your seed. Maybe some day when they are old enough they will come looking for you so they can know their father. What will you say to them then? That because you were all put-out that you got no say, you abandoned any support for their welfare, and you don't "recognize" them? That is pretty darn selfish if you ask me. Your responsibility to your children began the day they popped out of your partner's belly, regardless of whether or not they are being raised according to your wishes. Not doing that makes YOU a "great whore". And, I would say the exact same thing to a woman if the shoe were on the other foot.


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