Re: to Evton B
NO, you subconsciously and conveniently ignored my whole point. Your "Get over it" attitude is not right for ANY relationship (friendship, social, romantic, marriage, or parental). It is not only inconsiderate, but irresponsible and selfish. It is unfortunate for your girlfriend that you have that attitude now and will be worse if you carry that attitude into a marriage, but when you become a parent, it will be devestating to the FAMILY. I was not addressing the merit/morality of p 0 r n o g r a p h y. I understand p 0 r n o g r a p h y as being attractive to so many men because an emotional void was created in childhood by an 'unstable home' and general lack of SENTIMENTAL love and acceptance of the child as an integral and significant part of the family (sensual deprivation). It does not necessarily mean that the viewer of p 0 r n o g r a p h y is evil or immoral (it depends on the individual). This, of course, is a very unique and non-judgemental view of p 0 r n o g r a p h y and those who have an 'addiction' to it, but our conventional understandings and criticism of what others do are formed around a 'rush to judgement' status quo. How is it that an art conniseur's 'addiction' to art museums won't carry a stigma and the general public's admiration of the beauty of paintings and sculptures of people that are scantilly clad or completely naked is completely accepted, but every other depiction of nudity is demonized? Yes there are many who use p 0 r n o g r a p h y as part of an immoral lifestyle (even still, I think many of these people, since they have been demonized by a lifelong stygma, are simply living up to a 'reputation' that society has cast them into), but it is normal for a human being to crave intimacy when they were taught to be 'satisfied' and settle for EMOTIONAL love instead of SENTIMENTAL love (sensory deprivation), and that is the reason that the void still exists.
Back in the 1960's, nudism started as an excuse for free sex in the 'sexual revolution'/love (hardly dignified, sex and peace are not the same), but today it is seen as a legitimate and dignified form of recreation that is regulated and popular all over the world. Historically, many tribes have and still do live this way. The people at nudist colonies enjoy the outdoors and sports in complete freedom because there are no inhibitions. The parents also take their whole families, there are even Christian nudist organizations that encourage the nudist lifestyle. The general philosophy of nudism (as I understand it) is that the practice of the nudist lifestyle OVERCOMES 'sensory deprivation'.
Have I DE-stygmatized interest in the naked body enough?
I was talking about the "Get over it" attitude being unfit for any relationship, but especially for a parental one.